Abstract: Research data and proper handling of these are contemporary a hotspot in the discussion of scientific information, not only in mathematics. But what are exactly mathematical research data? Mathematical research data are very heterogeneous. The talk adrfesses concepts for the description and knowledge managemenet of mathematical research data and the state of the art of existing information services for mathematical software and associated data, e.g., benchmarks, mathematical services, and mathematical models. The mathematical community is actively involved in both the development of smart concepts for maintaining of mathematical research data and setup of information services. For example, semantic languages for the description and content analysis of mathematical data have been developed, directories as swMATH and repositories as Netlib or R have been built up for mathematical software. Up to now, the information services existing have a different design and work more or less isolated each other. A holistic concept design of information services which covers all kinds of mathematical research data in their context would allow an problem-centered access to information on mathematical research data.
Abstract: swMATH is a portal for mathematical software and mathematical research data. The swMATH service aims at improving the visibility of mathematical software as well as research involving mathematical software. After 5 years of operation, it provides information on more than 12500 items in all mathematical fields and lists nearly 120000 scientific publications which describe or apply mathematical software. A unique feature of swMATH is the so-called publication-based approach, which uses the information of the database Zentralblatt MATH (zbMATH) for identifying mathematical software and extracting relevant information about them. The extracted information includes a description of the software, mathematical subjects covered by it (using MSC) and a keyword cloud. A searchable list of publications citing it as well as a ranked list of similar software are presented, too. Thanks to the publication-based approach, operation and maintainance of swMATH is done widely automatically through heuristic methods. All information on swMATH, along with the publication entries on zbMATH it links to, are freely accessible. There are web interfaces for correcting or complementing existing data, and interfaces that allow for automatic processing of the data. The talk presents the swMATH concept and gives an overview about the recent activities combined with an online demonstration.
Abstract: The Web is our primary source of all kinds of information today, including software as well as associated materials, such as source code, documentation, related publications and change logs. Our recent analysis has shown a considerable temporal correlation between the number software references in scientific articles and links to the corresponding websites. We found that around 60% of all software webpages link to documentation and another 50% even contain artifacts of the actual software. As software is dynamic, just like the Web, it is crucial to preserve the websites of software as well as linked materials on the Web to capture a software’s state over time. A Web a rchiving infrastructure tailored to this purpose, with can support comprehensible referencing mathematical software in scientific publications. As a first step, already published articles can be addressed by integrating existing Web archives with software directories, such as swMATH. We found that around 40% of the software websites linked in swMATH also exist in a Web archive, which can be linked based on the publication dates of corresponding articles. In our talk, we will present the potential of Web archives for the scientific software management process and showcase current efforts, open challenges as well as what is remaining for future work.
Abstract: An XML format for storing data from computations in algebra and geometry is described. That format is employed in polymake, an open source software system for polyhedral and combinatorial computations. Polymake handles a large variety of objects, from convex polytopes and polyhedral fans to matroids, finite permutation groups and ideals in polynomial rings. The file format is designed to allow for an easy adaptation with respect to implementation changes and future extensions. We explain the general structure of the polymake XML file format along an example, illuminating the various features. A formal specification based on a RELAX-NG schema is given, and we discuss the reasoning behind our design decisions (including differences to MathML and OpenMath).
Abstract: OpenDreamKit ``Open Digital Research Environment Toolkit for the Advancement of Mathematics'' - is an H2020 EU Research Infrastructure project that aims at supporting, the ecosystem of open-source mathematical software systems. From that, OpenDreamKit will deliver a flexible toolkit enabling research groups to set up Virtual Research Environments, customised to meet the varied needs of research projects in pure mathematics and applications. An important step in the OpenDreamKit endeavor is to foster the interoperability and distributed computing between a variety of systems, ranging from computer algebra systems over mathematical databases to front-ends. This is the mission of the integration work package (WP6). We report on experiments and future plans with the Math-in-the-Middle approach. This information architecture consists in a central mathematical ontology that documents the domain and fixes a joint vocabulary, combined with specifications of the functionalities of the various systems. Interaction between systems can then be enriched by pivoting off this information architecture.
The SymbolicData Project (SD) grew up from the Special Session on Benchmarking
at the 1998 ISSAC conference to secure the further availability of the
Polynomial Systems Database built up within the PoSSo and FRISCO projects.
Since then SD matured and collected data from more areas of computer algebra.
In 2009 we started to refactor the data along standard Semantic Web concepts
based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF).
One of the main metadata concepts used for navigational purposes is that of
semantic-aware fingerprints as semantically sound invariants of the given data.
We applied this principle, first used to navigate within polynomial systems
data, see [1], to the data sets on polytopes and on transitive groups newly
integrated with SD version 3, and also within the recompiled version of test
sets from integer programming. RDF based fingerprints allow for a unified
navigation and even cross navigation within such data using the SPARQL query
mechanism as a generic Web service. In my contribution I will explain this
"cross cutting" approach in greater detail.
[1] H.-G. Gräbe, S. Johanning, A. Nareike: The SymbolicData Project - from Data
Store to Computer Algebra Social Network. In: Computeralgebra-Rundbrief 55
(October 2014)
Mathematical modeling and simulation (MMS) has now been established as an essential part of the scientific work in many disciplines and application areas. It is common to categorize the involved numerical data and to some extend the corresponding scientific software as research data. Both have their origin in mathematical models. In this contribution we propose a holistic approach to research data in MMS by including the mathematical models and discuss the initial requirements for a conceptual data model for this field.
Last updated May 26, 2016 © 2016 FIZ Karlsruhe