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We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your paper. The suitability of your paper for external review will be determined by one of our editors within 2 weeks. If you do not receive any email from the editor-in-chief within 2 weeks, kindly contact him via moslehian@yahoo.com .

Best wishes,

Editorial office

'; die(); } else { die("Sorry but the email could not be sent. Please go back and try again!"); } } $atu_name=$_POST['atu_name']; $title=$_POST['title']; $fname=$_POST['fname']; $lname=$_POST['lname']; $country=$_POST['country']; $degree=$_POST['degree']; $email=$_POST['email']; $tel=$_POST['tel']; $sug_editor=$_POST['sug_editor']; $scope=$_POST['scope']; $ref_name1=$_POST['ref_name1']; $ref_con1=$_POST['ref_con1']; $ref_mail1=$_POST['ref_mail1']; $ref_name2=$_POST['ref_name2']; $ref_con2=$_POST['ref_con2']; $ref_mail2=$_POST['ref_mail2']; $ref_name3=$_POST['ref_name3']; $ref_con3=$_POST['ref_con3']; $ref_mail3=$_POST['ref_mail3']; $ref_name4=$_POST['ref_name4']; $ref_con4=$_POST['ref_con4']; $ref_mail4=$_POST['ref_mail4']; $Confirmation=$_POST['Confirmation']; $BJMA=$_POST['BJMA']; $body = '*Corresponding author:'.$atu_name.'
*(Country Code)(City Code)(Tel):'.$tel.'

'; for($i=0,$j=1;$i<10;$i++,$j++){ if($fname[$i]){ $body.=$j.'- Full First name:'.$fname[$i].'  Full Last name:'.$lname[$i].'  Country:'.$country[$i].'  Last academic degree:'.$degree[$i].'  Email:'.$email[$i].'
'; } } $body.='--------------------------------------------
Suggested editor:'.$sug_editor."
"; if ($scope){ $body.='

Paper Scope:
'; foreach ($scope as $t) {$body.='* '.$t.'
';} } $body.= '
Suggested Referees:
'; if ($ref_name1){ $body.='1. Name: '.$ref_name1.'  Country: '.$ref_con1.'  Email: '.$ref_mail1.'
'; } if ($ref_name2){ $body.='2. Name: '.$ref_name2.'  Country: '.$ref_con2.'  Email: '.$ref_mail2.'
'; } if ($ref_name3){ $body.='3. Name: '.$ref_name3.'  Country: '.$ref_con3.'  Email: '. $ref_mail3.'
'; } if ($ref_name4){ $body.='4. Name: '.$ref_name4.'  Country: '.$ref_con4.'  Email: '.$ref_mail4.'
'; } $body.='--------------------------------------------
'; $body.='--------------------------------------------
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Submission to the Annals of Functional Analysis (AFA)

(Incomplete submissions have not been considered)


I (for example: John Stwart) as the corresponding author with Tel (preferably mobile):  (for example: +98-9151140894), attached a manuscript in the PDF format entitled


for possible publication in AFA.


Author(s) (you and your coauthors)

Full First name

Full Last name


Last academic degree



(By clicking on "Add", please continue in the same format as above for the other authors, if any.)


Suggested Editor

Please suggest an appropriate member of the editorial board (NOT of the advisory board or the editor-in-chief):

Suggested editor:                       


    Paper Scope

If you cannot find an appropriate Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC2010) in the list below, it means that your paper is not in the scope of the AFA, so please submit your paper elsewhere.

 Paper scope (MSC2010) - You can select more than one item by keeping the 'Ctrl' key pressed while you select the items with the mouse.

Suggested Referees

Following is a list (names, countries and e-mails) of 4 potential referees, who are good experts in the area of research. I certify that these potential referees

  • are NOT advisory editors, editor-in-chief or editors of AFA and BJMA,
  • are NOT family members of one of authors;
  • and 3 of 4 suggested referees are from American countries, Japan or Europe.

Full Names, Countries, emails of referees: (The paper may be rejected if suggested reviewers would not be qualified as requested.)

  Full Name Country Email

Files of article

Article file of the manuscript only in Pdf format:

Source LaTeX file of the manuscript (only in the style of AFA):

(If you have more than one file please zip them and send the zipped file)



Do you confirm that

(i) all authors of this manuscript have agreed to its submission to AFA if there is more than one author;

(ii) you and any other coauthor(s) are responsible for its content and its originality;

(iii) NOT some portions of the results/data/figures in the manuscript have been published or are under consideration for publication elsewhere?

Note. The AFA expects (but it is not necessary) that the number of papers/books in the list of references is about 1.5 times the number of pages of the paper and the number of self-citations is about a quarter of all references.


Special issue

Is this paper submitted to the special issue (2016) in honor of Prof. Anthony To-Ming Lau?