Old Submission Server

Please don't use this interface anymore, it is obsolete . Please go to our new interface, instead.

Policy and Style
If you don't have too much experience with scientific journals (yet!) please have look into our policy page first. Thank you.
Since DMTCS is entirely run by volunteers, it will not be possible for us to typeset accepted papers before publication. Authors of accepted papers must provide us with a suitable LaTeX version. Please look for the instructions. Don't be afraid if you don't feel yourself an expert in LaTeX. First of all it should be easy if you follow the instructions and then we will also go over it at the end to ensure that it TeXnically fits into the journal.
You also find some hints on language and scientific style in the instructions that might be useful and increase your chances.

Welcome to the submission server of Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science. This page and the following is thought to supply you with some information on how to submit to DMTCS. For questions concerning the journal as a whole, please refer to the journal's home page. For instructions how to submit a manuscript please select an appropriate section and click on the Compose button.

manuscript, section:

If you think that for one reason or another your paper does not fit well into any individual section of DMTCS but into DMTCS as a whole please choose ``none of the above''. We will then try to assign your paper to more than one section.

--count-- pages served since Sep 10, 2004.

Jens Gustedt <Jens Gustedt at dmtcs org>

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