SIGMA 16 (2020), 044, 17 pages arXiv:1909.13002
Higher Rank ˆZ and FK
Sunghyuk Park
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
Received January 15, 2020, in final form May 11, 2020; Published online May 24, 2020
We study q-series-valued invariants of 3-manifolds that depend on the choice of a root system G. This is a natural generalization of the earlier works by Gukov-Pei-Putrov-Vafa [arXiv:1701.06567] and Gukov-Manolescu [arXiv:1904.06057] where they focused on G=SU(2) case. Although a full mathematical definition for these ''invariants'' is lacking yet, we define ˆZG for negative definite plumbed 3-manifolds and FGK for torus knot complements. As in the G=SU(2) case by Gukov and Manolescu, there is a surgery formula relating FGK to ˆZG of a Dehn surgery on the knot K. Furthermore, specializing to symmetric representations, FGK satisfies a recurrence relation given by the quantum A-polynomial for symmetric representations, which hints that there might be HOMFLY-PT analogues of these 3-manifold invariants.
Key words: 3-manifold; knot; quantum invariant; complex Chern-Simons theory; TQFT; q-series; colored Jones polynomial; colored HOMFLY-PT polynomial.
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