SIGMA 17 (2021), 083, 40 pages arXiv:2104.00895
Contribution to the Special Issue on Mathematics of Integrable Systems: Classical and Quantum in honor of Leon Takhtajan
Resolvent Trace Formula and Determinants of n Laplacians on Orbifold Riemann Surfaces
Lee-Peng Teo
Department of Mathematics, Xiamen University Malaysia, Jalan Sunsuria, Bandar Sunsuria, 43900, Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia
Received April 07, 2021, in final form September 05, 2021; Published online September 13, 2021
For n a nonnegative integer, we consider the n-Laplacian Δn acting on the space of n-differentials on a confinite Riemann surface X which has ramification points. The trace formula for the resolvent kernel is developed along the line à la Selberg. Using the trace formula, we compute the regularized determinant of Δn+s(s+2n−1), from which we deduce the regularized determinant of Δn, denoted by det′Δn. Taking into account the contribution from the absolutely continuous spectrum, det′Δn is equal to a constant Cn times Z(n) when n≥2. Here Z(s) is the Selberg zeta function of X. When n=0 or n=1, Z(n) is replaced by the leading coefficient of the Taylor expansion of Z(s) around s=0 and s=1 respectively. The constants Cn are calculated explicitly. They depend on the genus, the number of cusps, as well as the ramification indices, but is independent of the moduli parameters.
Key words: determinant of Laplacian; n-differentials; cocompact Riemann surfaces; Selberg trace formula.
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