%%% \maths\ftp\gt\info\macros\Readme.txt last updated 22.1.98 This is the \info\macros subdirectory of the Geometry and Topology ftp site. Contents of this subdirectory : =============================== Readme.txt : this file Macro packages written specially for Geometry and Topology to be used with plain TeX : gtmacs.tex : the basic version of the gt macros package gtmacros.tex : the full version with AMS fonts defined amsnames.tex : defines the ams names for ams symbols (to be used with gtmacros.tex) Instructions for using the above macro packages : gtmacins.tex : plain TeX file gtmacins.dvi : corresponding dvi file gtmacins.pdf : PDF translation Macro package written specially for Geometry and Topology to be used with LaTeX : gtart.cls : LaTeX document class file for GT articles Instructions for using the above class file : gtartins.tex : LaTeX file gtartins.dvi : corresponding dvi file gtartins.pdf : PDF translation Macros packages from the amslatex distribution used by gtart.cls : amsthm.sty and amsgen.sty Macros packages recommended by Geometry and Topology (notes on using these packages are given in topics.ps in the samples directory) : pictex.tex : Michael Wichura's classic drawing package for use with plain TeX prepictex.tex : files to adapt pictex for use postpictex.tex : with LaTeX pictex.sty : file which loads pictex for use with LaTeX epsf.tex : macro package written by Rokicki and Knuth epsf.sty : for including eps files in (La)TeX documents rlepsf.tex : extension to epsf.tex/sty written by Greene and rlepsf.sty : Rourke which replaces ps labels by TeX labels labelfig.tex : macro package written by Seroul and Siebenmann labelfig.sty : to add TeX labels to any graphic or other box newinsert.tex : macro package written by Walter Neumann to improve the handling of inserts in plain TeX