%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% gtlatex.tem %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Template for articles written in LaTeX for publication in: % % Geometry & Topology, Geometry & Topology Monographs % and Algebraic and Geometric Topology % % This template must be used with latex2e. If you cannot upgrade % your installation to latex2e then use the template gtlatex.old % (which is for use with latex2.09) instead. % % You need the following files to use this template : % % gtart.cls amthm.sty amsgen.sty % % Copies of all three files can be collected from our macro directory : % % http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/ftp/info/macros/ % % (The last two are part of the standard amslatex distribution and % they are probably already installed in your TeX installation.) % % If you use BiBTeX then you can collect the GT article bibliography % style file gtart.bst from the same directory and use this to format % your bibliography. % % Full instructions for using the gt article class file gtart.cls % are given in gtartins.tex or gtartins.ps or .pdf available % from the same directory. % % \documentclass{gtart} % Basic GT/GTM/AGT style % % Uncomment one of the next three lines to obtain a full "mock-up" % of a published article: % AGT: \agtart GT: \gtart GTM: \gtmonart % %\agtart %\gtart %\gtmonart % % Add extra packages here eg to use the AMS fonts and symbols, % uncomment the next line : % %\usepackage{amssymb} % % To use the AMS mathematics constructions uncomment the next line % %\usepackage{amsmath,amscd} % % Note : amslatex users will find that, with the above packages % installed, all amslatex constructions will be available. % % % Theorem style. There are two predefined styles : % % plain : for theorems, corollaries etc with heading bold % and left justified, optional note bracketed in roman type % and statement in slanted type. This is the default style. % % definition : (alias remark) for definitions, remarks etc with % heading bold and left justified, optional note unbracketed in % slanted type and statement in roman type. % % Some sample \newtheorem's (delete these unless you need % them and insert your own): % \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[section] % Standard theorem environment \newtheorem{lem}[thm]{Lemma} % Lemma environment with numbering % % consecutive to theorems \newtheorem*{zlem}{Zorn's Lemma} % A special unnumbered lemma. % \theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem{defn}[thm]{Definition} % Definition environment with % % numbering consecutive to theorems \newtheorem*{rem}{Remark} % Unnumbered environment for remarks. % % % User macros % Type your own macros (\newcommand's etc) below. % % % End of user macros % \begin{document} % % Header material (title etc) % =========================== % % Acknowledgements should not be given with the header nor as footnotes % at the start. % Please place these at the end of your introduction or at the end of % the paper. % % Type your header information on the form below following the format % of the example. % % \\ is the standard separator (between lines in \title and % \address, between authors and email addresses or URL's). % % % Example: \title{A short spoof paper\\with a two-line title} % ======= \authors{Albert Einstein\\Leonardo da Vinci} % \address{IAS, Princeton}\secondaddress{Renaissance\\Venice} % \email{ae@ias.princeton.edu\\ldv@ren.ven.hist} % \abstract % A short spoof paper with a very short abstract. % \endabstract % \primaryclass{00-01, 00-02}\secondaryclass{68-00, 68-01} % \keywords{Short, spoof, paper} % % % Start of header form % ==================== % % Type title, author(s) and address(es) between the curly brackets: \title{ } \authors{ } \address{ } % second address, email address and URL (web address), are % all optional, uncomment if needed : %\secondaddress{ } %\email{ } %\url{ } % % Note \secondaddress is _only_ for the second of two adresses. % If there are three or more authors then use multiple \address % declarations or one combined address (see the examples in the % instructions -- gtartins.tex ) \begin{abstract} % type your abstract below \end{abstract} % AMS classification numbers, primary and secondary, and keywords : \primaryclass{ } \secondaryclass{ } \keywords{ } % End of header form % ================== % % For G&T articles leave \maketitlepage uncommented. % For AGT and GTM articles comment it out and uncomment \makeshorttitle % \maketitlepage %%% Makes a title page for G&T articles % %\makeshorttitle %%% Makes a short header for AGT and GTM articles % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Start of main body of article %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of main body of article % % References % % BiBTeX users uncomment the following line: % %\bibliographystyle{gtart} % \begin{thebibliography} % Type references below using the format of the following examples. % (Delete these examples unless you happen to need them !) \bibitem{FT2} {\bf M\,H Freedman}, {\bf P Teichner}, {\it $4$--manifold topology II: Dwyer's filtration and surgery kernels}, Invent. Math. 122 (1995) 531--557 \bibitem{James} {\bf I\,M James}, {\it Reduced product spaces}, Annals of Math. 62 (1955) 170--197 \bibitem{Knuth} {\bf Donald Knuth}, {\it The TeXbook}, Addison--Wesley (1984) \end{thebibliography} % % % AGT/GTM authors: uncomment the next line to print addresses here: % %\Addresses % % % Type any appendix material (to go after the references) here % % \end{document}