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DOI: 10.23671/VNC.2020.1.57585

Topological Aspects Boron Triangular Nanotube and Boron-\(\alpha\) Nanotube

Hemavathi, P. S.  , Lokesha, V.  , Manjunath, M. ,  Reddy P. S. K. , Shruti, R.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal 2020. Vol. 22. Issue 1.
Topological graph indices have been used in a lot of~areas to study required properties of different objects such as atoms and molecules. Such indices have been described and studied by many mathematicians and chemists since most graphs are generated from molecules by replacing each atom with a vertex and each chemical bond with an edge. These indices are also topological graph invariants measuring several chemical, physical, biological, pharmacological, pharmaceutical, etc. properties of graphs corresponding to real life situations. The degree-based topological indices are used to correlate the physical and chemical properties of a molecule with its chemical structure. Boron nanotubular structures are high-interest materials due to the presence of multicenter bonds and have novel electronic properties. These materials have some important issues in nanodevice applications like mechanical and thermal stability. Therefore, they require theoretical studies on the other properties. In this paper, we compute the third Zagreb index, harmonic index, forgotten index, inverse sum index, modified Zagreb index and symmetric division deg index by applying subdivision and semi total point graph for boron triangular and boron-\(\alpha\) nanotubes.
Keywords: topological indices, Zagreb indices, harmonic index, forgotten index, inverse sum index and symmetric division deg index, boron triangular and boron-\(\alpha\) nanotubes.
Language: English Download the full text  
For citation: Hemavathi, P. S., Lokesha, V., Manjunath, M., Reddy, P. S. K., Shruti R. Topological Aspects Boron Triangular Nanotube and Boron-\(\alpha\) Nanotube, Vladikavkaz Math. J., 2020, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 66-77. DOI 10.23671/VNC.2020.1.57585
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