Jean-Michel Bismut
Département de Mathématique
Université Paris-Sud
Bâtiment 425
F-91405 Orsay
Fax: 33 1 69156348
E-mail: jean-michel.bismut@math.u-psud.fr
February 26, 1948, Lisbon, Portugal
1970 École Polytechnique
1973 Docteur d'Etat in Mathematics at the University of Paris VI
1975-1987 Maître de Conférences at Ecole Polytechnique
1981- Professor of Mathematics at University Paris XI (Orsay)
1980 Visiting Professor in Vancouver
January-April 1984 Member of the Institute for Advanced Study
1986 Invited to the World Congress in Berkeley (Geometry)
1988 Visiting member of IHES
January-April 1994 Gould Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study
Former Editor at Annales I.H.P., Z. Wahrsch., Astérisque, Annales E.N.S.
1988- Editor of Duke Math. Journal
1989- Editor of Inventiones Mathematicae
1990- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Newton Institute
Managing Co-editor of Inventiones
Selected Publications:
- Linear-quadratic optimal stochastic control with random co-effi-cients. SIAM J. of Contr. 14, 419-444 (1976)
- Martingales, the Malliavin calculus and hypoellipticity under general Hörmander's conditions. Z. Wahrsch. 56,469-505 (1981)
- The Atiyah-Singer index theorem for families of Dirac opera-tors: two heat equation proofs. Invent. Math. 83, 91-151 (1986)
- (with J. Cheeger) Eta-invariants and their adiabatic limits. J.A.M.S. 2, 33-70 (1989)
- Koszul complexes, harmonic oscillators and the Todd class. J.A.M.S. 3, 159-256 (1990)
- (with G. Lebeau) Complex immersions and Quillen metrics. Publ.Math. IHES 74, 1-297 (1991)
- (with W. Zhang) Reidemeister, Milnor and Ray-Singer metrics : an extension of a theorem of Cheeger and Müller. Société Mathématique de France: Astérisque 205 , 1992
- (with A. Berthomieu) Quillen metrics and higher analytic torsion forms. J. Reine Agew. Math. 457, 85-184 (1994)
- (with J. Lott) Flat vector bundles, direct images and higher real analytic torsion. J.A.M.S. 8, 291-363 (1995)
- Holomorphic families of immersions and higher analytic torsion forms. pp 1-240. Astérisque n° 244 :SMF Paris 1997
- Local index theory, eta invariants and holomorphic torsion: a survey. To appear in Journal Differential Geometry (1998).