Dep. of Mathematics, Huxley Building
Imperial College - Huxley Building
180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ, UK
Fax: (44) 171 594 8517
20 August 1957, Cambridge, England
1979 BA Cambridge University
1984 D. Phil. Oxford University
1983 - 1985 Junior Research Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford
1983 - 1984 Visiting Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
1985 - Wallis Professor of Mathematics, Oxford University
1986 Fields Medal, International Congress of Mathematics
1986 Elected to Fellowship of Royal Society (London)
1992 Royal Medal of Royal Society
1994 Crafoord Prize of Swedish Academy of Science (with S.T. Yau)
Differential geometry and differential topology: particularly gauge theory, complex and symplectic geometry.