The Executive Committee of IMU met on May 11-12, 1995 at the Collège de France.
Excepts of this meeting:
The members of the Program Committee were appointed at the meeting. The Chairman is Professor Phillip A. Griffiths. Any suggestion concerning plenary speakers, invited presentations, or the structure of the program in general, please write to:
Following the Resolution 6 of the last General Assembly, the Executive Committee of IMU redrafted the proposed Procedures for the Election of the Executive Committee of IMU, as well as those of ICMI and CDE. They have been sent to all IMU Adhering Organizations and National Committees as follows:
Election to (c) shall be from names either proposed by the President or proposed and seconded from the floor; and shall be by show of hands unless the meeting decides otherwise.
No person shall be a candidate for more than one office.
The voting slips shall contain all the names nominated under (5) and (3) (unless a candidate withdraws), but no others. A vote shall be invalid if more names are marked in any category than the number of places to be filled (i.e., one each for President and Secretary, two for Vice-Presidents and five for Members at large). A candidate for President or Secretary may be elected only if unopposed or if he or she obtains a majority of the votes cast. If the first ballot is indecisive, there shall be a second ballot. In the ballots for the Vice-Presidents and Members at large, the two or five candidates respectively who obtain the largest numbers of votes shall be elected. In the event of a tie, the President shall decide.
Note: Statute (9) provides (inter alia) that: "each delegation shall be free to cast the votes to which it is entitled either as a unit or divided in such a manner as it may determine".
The rules for the election of the Executive Committee of ICMI are similar to those for the election of the Executive Committee of IMU with the same Nominating Committee.
The E.C. of IMU shall request proposals for the membership of the E.C. of ICMI from the National Committees for Mathematics and will conduct extensive consultations with the existing Executive Committee of ICMI before proposing slates to the Nominating Committee.
No person can be a candidate for more than one office.
The rules for the election of the Commission of Development and Exchange are similar to those for the election of the Executive Committees of IMU and ICMI with the same Nominating Committee.
The E.C. of IMU shall request proposals for the membership of CDE from the National Committees for Mathematics and will conduct extensive consultations with the existing CDE before proposing slates to the Nominating Committee.
No person can be a candidate for more than one office.
In the last ten years or so, the Executive Committee
and the local mathematical community has been organizing scientific
meetings, on the occasion of most of the EC ordinary anual meetings.
In the week of May 9-12, 1995, one of these conferences took place at the
Institut Henri Poincaré.The list of invited speakers consisted of some Past
Presidents and Secretary of IMU and the new members of the EC: The Proceedings of the conference are published in this issue of the
Bulletin, starting on page 23
Professor Ludwig Faddeev contributed to the Proceeding but was unable to
attend the meeting.
Other scientific meetings were supported by IMU as described in the report
of activities for 1995 on page 14
The Executive Committee of IMU will ask the Program Committee to take
steps to implement the resolutions 3, 4 and 5 of the General Assembly, 1994.
The EC also decided to invite the members of the PC to attend the Congress.
Concerning ICMI, it was decided to ask the Program Committee and the Local
Organizing Committee to announce their activities in the Program of the
Congress. The EC decided to invite the President of ICMI to be part of the
As for ICHM, the EC also decided to ask the Program Committee and the Local
Organizing Committee to make some room for their activities, and to
announce their activities in the Program of the Congress.
the Resolution 2 of the General Assembly 1994, The EC discussed the planning
of World Mathematical Year 2000, in particular the organization of
activities such as an invitation to a select group of outstanding
mathematicians to present their views on topics they expect to be central to
mathematical activity in the next century and the selection of a number of
symposia, some possibly organized together with other scientific bodies,
dedicated to mathematics, its applications and to its role in society, and
also events held under the auspices of ICMI, CDE and ICHM. To select the
authors of a book that should be published by early 2000 year, on the
mathematical perspectives for the 21st century, the EC nominated the
following committee:
Vladimir Arnold (Chairman), Barry Mazur, Michael Attiyah, Peter Lax .
The discussions about other activities shall proceed and some decisions
should be taken in the next meeting of the EC in April, 1996.
Scientific Meeting
Henri Cartan
Simon Donaldson
B. Engquist
Ludwig Faddeev
Olli Lehto
S. Mori
Jürgen Moser
K. R. Parthasaraty
Joint activities at ICM-98
of the General Assembly, 1994)
"Turn of the Century" - World Mathematical Year 2000