Note: Statute (9) provides (inter alia) that: ``each delegation shall be free to cast the votes to which it is entitled either as a unit or divided in such a manner as it may determine''.
The rules for the election of the Commission of Development and Exchange are similar to those for the election of the Executive Committees of IMU and ICMI with the same Nominating Committee.
The EC of IMU shall request proposals for the membership of CDE from the National Committees for Mathematics and will conduct extensive consultations with the existing CDE before proposing slates to the Nominating Committee.
No person can be a candidate for more than one office.
The rules for the election of the two IMU members of the Executive Committee of ICHM are similar to those for the election of the Executive Committees of IMU, CDE and ICMI, with the same Nominating Committee.
The EC of IMU shall request proposals for the membership of the two IMU members from the National Committees for Mathematics and will conduct extensive consultations with the existing ICHM before proposing slates to the Nominating Committee.
The rules for the election of the Executive Committee of ICMI are similar to those for the election of the Executive Committee of IMU with the same Nominating Committee.
The EC of IMU shall request proposals for the membership of the EC of ICMI from the National Committees for Mathematics and will conduct extensive consultations with the existing Executive Committee of ICMI before proposing slates to the Nominating Committee.
No person can be a candidate for more than one office.