WMY 2000 PROJECTSlogoW2001.gif (2339 octets)





·         COUNTRIES







PACOM'2000, 5th Pan African Congress of Mathematicians

Africa in the World mathematical year 2000 Assessment and promotion of
mathematics education and research at the dawn of the 3rd millennium.

January 24-31, 2000, Western Cape University, Cape Town (South Africa)

Contact : Ahmed Kerkour, akerkour@mis.net.ma


PAMO'2000, 10th Pan African Mathematics Olympiad

in collaboration with the South African Mathematical Society, the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa, the University of Cape Town, the University of Stellenbosch and the University of Western Cape.

January 17-24, 2000, University of Stellenbosch, University of Cape Town and Western Cape University (South Africa)

Contact : Ahmed Kerkour, akerkour@mis.net.ma



1999-2000 ASL Winter Meeting

This Meeting will be in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Mathematical Society
January 21-22, 2000, Washington, DC (USA)

1999-2000 ASL Annual Meeting

The program will reflect the accomplishments and future prospects of modern logic, in recognition of the new millennium.
June 3-7, 2000, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)

2000 ASL European Summer Meeting (Logic Colloquium 2000)

The program will reflect the accomplishments and future prospects of modern logic, in recognition of the new millennium.
July 21-31, 2000, Paris (France)

Contact: C. Ward Henson, asl@math.uiuc.edu

Web page: http://www.aslonline.org





XIIIth International Congress of Mathematical Physics

Includes a program of Public Lectures and special program for Postgraduates and Young Researchers. Support for participants from developing countries or young researchers from EU available .

with a Special Volume : Mathematical Physics 2000

July, 17-22, 2000, Imperial College, London (UK)

Contact:  icmp2000@ic.ac.uk

Web Pagehttp://icmp2000.ma.ic.ac.uk/



Mathematics Tomorrow

V. Arnold, M. Atiyah, P. Lax and B. Mazur are coordinating the preparation of a book of articles by prominent mathematicians on how they see the prospects of mathematics in the coming century

Contact: Jacob Palis, jpalis@impa.br

Web page: http://elib.zib/de/imu/wmy



International Congress on the Mathematical Education (ICME-9)

July 31 - August 7, 2000, Makuhari/Chiba (Japan)

Contact: Bernard R.Hodgson, bhodgson@mat.ulaval.ca



International Symposium One Hundred Years of L'Enseignement Mathématique

Moments of Mathematics Education in the 20th Century, ICMI and Université de Genève

October 20-22, 2000, Geneva (Switzerland)

Contact : Bernard R. Hodgson, bhodgson@mat.ulaval.ca

Webpage: http://www.unige.ch/math/EnsMath/EM_fr/welcome.html

ICMI WMY 2000 Committee

Contact: Miguel de Guzman, mdeguzman@bitmailer.net



Memory of Mathematicians

Creation of a public database containing for each mathematician a description of the locations where original documents concerning him or her are stored

Contact: Hélène Gispert, Helene.Gispert@ghdso.u-psud.fr



First World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society

Organized under the auspices of the Association Française de Finance and of the Société Mathématique de France
June 28-July 1, 2000, Paris (France)

Contact: Hélyette Geman, geman@dauphine.fr

Web page: http://www.dauphine.fr/bachelier



Fifth World Congress of the Bernoulli Society for Probability and Mathematical Statistics and 63rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics

May 15-20 Guanajuato (Mexico)

Contact: Martha Cerrilla, mca@fractal.cimat.mx


Six Year 2000 Conferences

Defining the Science Stochastics; Causality; Ecology and Environment; Financial Mathematics; Neural Networks and Learning; Quantum Stochastics; Stochastic Geometry and Imaging

Contact: Ole Barndorff-Nielsen, atsoebn@mi.aau.dk



Third European Congress of Mathematics (3ECM)

July 10-14, 2000, Barcelona (Spain)

Contact: Sebastia Xambo, sebastia.xambo@upc.es

Web pages: http://www.iec.es/scm/3ecm/, http://www.si.upc.es/3ecm/



A joint Mathematical European-Arabic Conference
Promoted by the European Mathematical Society and with the collaboration of the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society and the CIMPA.

July 3-7, 2000, Granada (Spain)

Contact : Ceferino Ruiz,                                      
e-mail conference
e-mail secretariat
website :


Mathematics posters in the subways of cities all over the world

A gesture towards the general public in the form of small posters on the trains, and larger ones in the stations, showing mathematical subjects of general interest

Postage stamps

Issue of stamps representing European mathematicians. Wherever possible, concerted action between countries or on the European level.

Contact: Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen, V.L.Hansen@mat.dtu.dk



Latin American Congress of Mathematics

July 31-August 4, 2000, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Contacts: Roberto Markarian, Mario Wschebor, umalca@fing.edu.uy
Web pages: http://www.impa.br/Conferencias


Third Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC2000)

October 23-27, 2000, Manila (Philippines)

Contact: Polly Wee Sy, pweesy@i-manila.com.ph




CNA 2000

Meeting of the Algerian mathematicians organized by the Algerian Mathematical Society.

May 21-24, 2000, Alger (Algeria)

Contacts : A.Mokrane, mokran@ist.cerist.dz, D. Teniou, dteniou@usthb.dz

Web page : http://www.ama.ass.dz



Exhibition of Posters in the Buenos Aires subway.

There will be a national call at all Architecture and Design universities of Argentina to participate on the bid and the selection will be made by highly qualified members such as the Director of the School of Graphic Design at the University of Buenos Aires and the Director of the Centre of Mathematics and Design.

Design of postage stamps.

Issue of commemorative stamps celebrating WMY 2000. For the selection, there will be a national contest directed to students of all national Universities where Design is studied.

Contact: Vera W. de Spinadel postmaster@caos.uba.ar

Web pages : http://www.fadu.uba.ar/maydi/



"Festival MateBAIRES 2000"

August-December 2000, Buenos-Aires (Argentina)

Web page: http://www.fcen.uba.ar/museomat/mate2000.htm



Mathematics 2000 Festival

January, 10-13, 2000, University of Melbourne (Australia)

Contact: Barry McCrae, b.mccrae@edfac.unimelb.edu.au

Web page: http://www.edfac.unimelb.edu.au/DSME/maths2000



Exhibition Jagd auf Zahlen und Figuren (Chase for numbers et figures)

Contact : Richard Mischak, mischak@mik.at

Web page : http://www.zahlenjagd.at/index_eng.html



VIII Belarusian Mathematical Conference (BMC-VIII)

June 19-24, 2000, Minsk (Belarus)

Contact: Sergei V. Rogosin, rogosin@mmf.bsu.unibel.by

Web pagehttp://www.bsu.unibel.by/conferences/mkonf8/GP_Eng.htm



Mathematics posters in the Brussels underground (with the EMS)

Mathematics will be in the Bruxelles underground during two periods of two weeks each.

Contact: Luc Lemaire, llemaire@ulb.ac.be



A stamp related to WMY200 will be issued on February, 21st, 2000

Contact : Freddy Dumortier, fdumorti@luc.ac.be


Vlaamse Wiskunde Olympiade (Flanders Mathematics Olympiad)

VWO will celebrate its 15th competition year starting in september 1999 until May 2000, focussing also on the World Mathematical Year 2000.

Contacts : Frank De Clerck, fdc@cage.rug.ac.be,

Paul Igodt, Paul.Igodt@kulak.ac.be

Web page : http://www.kulak.ac.be/vwo/



Symposium on the Legacy of John Charles Fields

June 7-9, 2000, The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto (Canada)

Contact: Don Dawson, jcfields@fields.utoronto.ca

Web page:  http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/jcfields-legacy.html


Joint meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) and the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (CAIMS)

June 10-13, 2000, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario (Canada)

Contact : Graham P. Wright, gpwright@cms.math.ca

Mathematics posters in the Montréal subway

With possible extension to public transportation in other Canadian cities.

Contact : Christiane Rousseau, rousseac@dms.umontreal.ca


Poster highlighting Canadian women in mathematics

An initiative of the Committee for Women in Mathematics of the Canadian Mathematical Society.

Contact: Shelly Wismath, wismaths@cs.uleth.ca

The Canadian Virtual Math Trail

Development of a mathematical trail accessible on the internet and presenting mathematics arising in the environment of various Canadian settings.

Contact : Eric Muller, emuller@spartan.ac.brocku.ca


Mathematical Camps

Expansion of a set of math camps offered to high school students in various parts of Canada.

Contact : Daryl Tingley, daryl@unb.ca


Public Lectures

The aim of this project is to encourage provincial mathematics teachers associations to incorporate lectures intended for the general public in their regular meetings.

Contact: Morris Orzech, orzechm@mast.queensu.ca


The Museum of Mathematics

The Museum of Mathematics is a travelling public exhibition developed by Professor Albrecht Beutelspacher of the Mathematisches Institut at Justus-Liebig Universistat, Giessen, Germany.
The exhibits are designed for active participation and are ``hands on" in nature. This exhibition of the Museum of Mathematics in Canada is an opportunity to nurture mathematical curiosity and excitement among the younger generation, as well as their parents and teachers.

May 1-13, 2000 Winnipeg, Canada May 15-27, 2000 Regina, Canada

Contact : Douglas Farenick, farenick@math.uregina.ca

Web page : http://www.math.uregina.ca/~museum



United Congress of all mathematical associations and groups of Québec

May 5-7, 2000, Université Laval, Québec (Canada)

Contact: Richard Pallascio, pallascio.richard@uqam.ca

Travelling mathematics exhibition by le Musée du Séminaire de Sherbrooke, le Centre d'exposition de l'Université de Montréal et l'Association mathématique du Québec

Contact: Bernard Courteau, courteaub@videotron.ca

Book for the general public: Mathématiques d'hier et d'aujourd'hui (provisional title)

Contact: Gilbert Labelle, labelle.gilbert@uqam.ca


Publication of a supplement on mathematics to "Interface", the journal of the Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences (ACFAS).

Contact : Bernard Courteau, courteaub@videotron.ca


Special issue of the popular science magazine "Québec Science" on the applications of mathematics.

Contact : Stéphane Durand, durand@crm.umontreal.ca


A series, named " C'est mathématique! ", of 16 half-an-hour TV programmes devoted to mathematics on the new channel Z in Montréal.

Contact : Guy Veillet, gveillet@telefiction.com



Macao 2000: Mathematics and its Role in Civilization

A joint portuguese-chinese initiative for a congress on a general subject of the scientific and cultural role of the mathematical sciences in the history of civilization and in the future development of humanity.

January 11-14, 2000, Macau (China)

Contacts: José Francisco Rodrigues, rodrigue@lmc.fc.ul.pt,
Li Ta-tsien, dqli@ms.fudan.edu.cn


IV Conference on Operation Research
Optimization, Statistics, Mathematical Economics and Algorithms.

March 8-11, 2000, University of Havana (Cuba)

Contact: Sira Allende, sira@matcom.uh.cu


VII Congress of Mathematics and Computer Science (COMPUMAT 2000)
Mathematics, Computer Science and Education.

November 13-17, 2000, Pedagogical University of Manzanillo (Cuba)

Contact: Fidel Lopez, compumat@golfo.grm.sld.cu




A WMY 2000 post stamp of Czech Republic will be issued on May 31, 2000.
The theme will be a mathematical motif.

Contact: Jan Kratochvil, honza@av.rutgers.edu



First AMS-Scandinavian International Mathematics Meeting

XXIII Scandinavian Congress of Mathematicians.

June 13-16, 2000, Odense University (Denmark)

Contact: Hans J. Munkholm, hjm@imada.ou.dk

Web page: http://www.imada.ou.dk/~hjm/AMS.Scand.2000.html


Danish committee for WMY 2000

It consists of 10 persons from all parts of mathematicsteaching and research from primary school to university level.

Visualization of mathematics in society

TV, Film, Posters, Books, Exhibitions.

Mathematics education in the previous (and a guess: in the next century)

Internet-based information about mathematics



Contact: Tage Bai Andersen, bai@mi.aau.dk



Mathematics and 21th Century

This conference is organised by the Egyptian National Committee for IMU and sponsored by UNESCO, TWAS and IMU. Other Egyptian Organisations including the Egyptian Mathematical Society , are cooperating in its management. A series of 1-day conferences in different topics under the title "Maths: a future look" is planned.

January 15-20, 2000, Cairo (Egypt)

Contacts: Attia Ashour, ASHOUR@FRCU.EUN.EG

A.-S. F. Obada, obada@frcu.eun.eg

Web page : http://wmy2000.math.jussieu.fr/cairo/cairo2000.html



Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium

August 8-12, 2000, Helsinki (Finland)

Contact: Pekka Tukia, pekka.tukia@helsinki.fi

Web page : http://www.math.helsinki.fi/~analysis/NevanlinnaColloquium

Studia Generalia lecture series

Autumn 2000; first lecture October 1, 2000, University of Helsinki (Finland)

Contact: Olli Martio, olli.martio@helsinki.fi

Innovations in Higher Education 2000

August 30 - September 2, 2000, Helsinki (Finland)

Contact: Sari Lindblom-Ylanne, sari.lindblom-ylanne@helsinki.fi

School Mathematics 2000

Seminar organised by the Finnish Association of Teachers of Mathematics,Physics, Chemistry and Informatics (MAOL)

March 11-12, 2000, Helsinki (Finland)

Contact: Petri Graeffe, petri.graeffe@maol.fi

Rolf Nevanlinna Prize Winners' Symposium

Four of the five Rolf Nevanlinna Prize winners will attend the symposium, which is part of the WMY2000 as well as of the celebrations of Helsinki, a European City of Culture.

Organized by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Helsinki and the Finnish Mathematical Society

September 5-6, 2000, Helsinki (Finland)

Contact: Aatos Lahtinen, aatos.lahtinen@helsinki.fi



1. French Committee for World Mathematical Year

Mathematics posters in the Paris underground (with the EMS)

This project could involve the re-fitting of certain tube stations (Monge and Laplace).

Contact: Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, mcm@ccr.jussieu.fr


Mathematics and other fields of knowledge (with the Ecole Normale Supérieure and historians of mathematics)

 May 22-27, 2000, Paris (France)


Re-edition of books out of circulation

In partnership with the CNL (Centre National du Livre) it is planned to re-edit important mathematical works no longer available.

Contact: Martin Andler, andler@math.uvsq.fr

A book "Du côté des mathématiciennes"

An initiative of the Association " femmes et mathématiques "

Contacts: Christine Charretton,charretton@desargues.univ-lyon1.fr
Sylvie Paycha, paycha@ucfma.univ-bpclermont.fr



Cinquième forum des jeunes mathématiciennes

Le programme mathématique comportera des exposés de 25 minutes en sessions parallèles de jeunes mathématiciennes et de quelques mathématiciennes confirmées. Le programme non mathématique comportera un exposé "Approche historique sur les relations femmes-sciences-techniques" par Delphine Gardey, historienne et deux débats avec Michelle Perrot "L'élaboration de mesures concrètes visant à modifier ces relations" et Claudine Hermann "La parité dans les milieux scientifiques".

Une initiative de l'association "femmes et mathématiques"

January, 21-22, 2000, Paris (France)

Contacts : Stefanella Boato, Stefanella.Boatto@bdl.fr
Catherine Bonnet,
Marie-Francoise Coste-Roy,
Web page :


2. Société française de Statistique

XXXIIème Journées de Statistique

May 15-19, 2000, Fes (Maroc)

Contacts: Khalid Rifi, estfes@fesnet.net.ma

Jean-louis Soler, JeanLouis.soler@imag.fr


Second International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR’ 2000)

July 4-7, 2000, Bordeaux (France)

Contact: Nikolaos Limnios, Nikolaos.Limnios@utc.fr



3. Commission française pour l'enseignement des mathématiques

Colloque EM 2000 (Enseignement des mathématiques dans les pays francophones)

July 15-17, 2000, Grenoble, France

Contact : Pierre.Jullien, Pierre.Jullien@newsup.univ-mrs.fr

Web page : http://EM2000.imag.fr.


4. Others

APS Symétrie 2000

A Workshop of Scientific Practice is being set up in the Lycée Antoine Roussin (Saint-Louis, La Réunion) at the start of the 1999/2000 school year. It concerns one of the "Première S" classes (Première S Sixth formers taking maths, physics, and science, as their main subjects).
It is a project which involves the whole form and may include the subjects studied in the class.

September, 1999-June, 2000 , lycée Antoine Roussin, Saint-Louis, La Réunion

Contact: Nathalie Ayme, ayme@univ-reunion.fr

Web page: http://www.cabri.net/nathalie/Symetrie/Symetrie.html



State of the art on the Poisson manifolds

June 26-30, 2000, CIRM (Luminy-Marseille) (France)

Contact: Jean-Paul Dufour, dufourj@darboux.math.univ-montp2.fr

Math 2000 in Poitiers

Exhibition "Math 2000" at the Espace Mendès-France in Poitiers.

Five conferences about mathematics. Scholar animations about links between mathematics and other fields.

January 15 - March, 15

Contact : Louis-Marie Bonneval, louis-marie.bonneval@libertysurf.fr


Math 2000 in Montpellier

Creation by the Workshop " la règle et le compas" of a Web site "Mathematics and Architecture"


Contact: Michel Lacage, Hmlacage@aol.com

Web page : http://www.ac-montpellier.fr/pedagogie/disciplines/maths/pedago/laca/index.htm



Recréations mathématiques pour mathématiciens en culottes courtes (School children play with and display mathematics)

Under the guidance of their teachers and of a professional mathematician based at the Palais de la Découverte, one of the two science museums in Paris, school children from two classes in a primary school of Chilly-Mazarin (Essonne, France) will play at making toy models of mathematical puzzles. These puzzles will later be proposed to the imagination of artists who will be asked to turn them into attractive sculptures to be placed in the city park for public display and enjoyment.
The whole operation has been conceived and will by supervised by Max Leguem, head of the Centre Culturel of the city of Chilly-Mazarin.

February 1999-September 2000, Chilly-Mazarin (France)

Contact : Jean Brette, jean.brette@palais-decouverte.fr


"Why a 's' to 'Mathematics'?"

At the IUFM of Toulouse, each month of Year 2000 at least a specialist of some domain in mathematics or related to mathematics will give a talk followed by a discussion with the audience. The aim of this series of talks is to present different aspects of Mathematics to a large public.

Contact : Véronique Lizan, vlizan@cict.fr

or veronique.lizan@toulouse.iufm.fr



Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities

Organizers : University of Versailles-St Quentin

The aim of the colloquium is to bring together researchers on subjects at the intersection of fundamental Computer Science and Mathematics. The topics covered are trees, stochastic processes, large deviations, branching processes, random walks, discrete probability, enumerative and analytical combinatorics, analysis of algorithms, performance evaluation, combinatorial optimization...

September 18-20, 2000, Versailles (France)

Contact Alain Rouault, rouault@math.uvsq.fr

Web page:  http://www.prism.uvsq.fr/complex/confs/mathinfo2000/


Colloquium in honor of Professor Michel Mendès France

organized by the University of Bordeaux I

September, 11-14, 2000, Bordeaux (France)

Contact :Jean-Jacques Ruch, ruch@math.u-bordeaux.fr


Orbits, Crystals and Representation Theory

May, 22-25,2000, Paris (France)

Contact : Rudolf Rentschler, rent@ccr.jussieu.fr



Colloque International sur les Mathématiques et les Arts


The aims are:

1) to allow artists to present their works inspired by mathematics and/or using mathematics

2) to permit to mathematicians to present and to discuss some works that could inspire mathematics

3) to debate on the use of art as a tool to help the teaching of mathematics, and to compare experiences and projects


September, 20-22, 2000, Maubeuge (France)


Contact: bruter@univ-paris12.fr



Activities of Sciences Ressources (CCSTI Île-de-France sud)


math 2000 at the Médiathèque

Exhibition "Un monde  Fractal" de l'Atelier Ecoutez Voir

April 5-May 23, 2000


Series of lectures:

-Adrien Douady, "Un monde  Fractal"

March 5, 17H30

-Jean Pierre Bourguignon, "Histoire des mathématiques, la nouvelle étoile du berger"

March 22, 18H30

- Stella Baruk,"Comptes, pour petits et grands..."


- Martin Andler, "Le plus haut possible, le plus riche possible, le plus heureux possible, le plus vite possible... ce que les mathématiques ont à dire de telles questions".

October 18, 18H30

- Jean Brette, " A quoi servent les mathématiques dans la vie de tous les jours"

November 22, 18H30


Festival  de films de mathématique

September, on Wednesday and Saturday


Exhibition " jeux, hasards et stratégies" de Centre Sciences

September 25-October 14


Médiathèque du Canal, quai François Truffaut, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)



Bar des sciences "Les maths : des sciences à l'industrie"

May 10, 20H30

MJC Boby Lapointe, 8 rue des Maraîchers, 91140 Villebon-sur-Yvette (France)



"Un monde  Fractal" et festival de films de maths

November 6-31, 2000

Bibliothèque Universitaire, bâtiment 407, Orsay

Pôle universitaire européen de l'Ile de France sud ( Universités de Versailles, Paris Sud, Evry et Nanterre - Supélec- IOTA -IUFM, ENS Cachan)



Exhibition of ASTS " le nombre zéro", with lectures

October-November, 2000

Salle de la Bouvêche, Orsay (France)


Contact: Sciences Ressources, Sciences.Ressources@ccsti.u-psud.fr

Web page: http://www.u-psud.fr/SR




March 29-31, 2000, Lille (France)


Web page: http://www.univ-lille1.fr/labo-stat-proba/colloque2000.html



WMY2000 in Rennes and in Brittany

In Rennes and in Brittany, the World Mathematics Year is the point of several attractions : lectures (Denis Guedj, Jacques Roubaud, Jean-Paul Delahaye), mathematical games, drawing contest, fract'art exhibition...

Web pages: http://www.math2000/univ-rennes1.fr



WMY2000 at the Mathematical Laboratory of the University PARIS-SUD

Contact: Pierre Pansu, Pierre.Pansu@math.u-psud.fr

Web page: http://www.math.u-psud.fr/~pansu/projetsamm.html




Promoted by the IREM (Institut de Recherche sur l'Enseignement des Mathématiques) of Strasbourg, various events related with the WMY2K are directed towards teachers, students and also a large public.

The year began with conferences organized by the JARDIN DES SCIENCES. Some others will be organized in autumn.
Consult http://www-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/CST/html/index2.html

Séminaire VULGARISATION ET MATHEMATIQUES , organized by the Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Sciences de l'Université Louis Pasteur-IRIST : conferences by Jean-Yves Merindol, Baudouin Jurdant, Michèle Audin, François Tesseyre, Denis Guedj, Guy Chouraqui, Marc Rogalski, François Pluvinage.

Many exhibitions and conferences are taking place in secondary schools, organized by the teachers. Posters about mathematics and mathematical objects are made by students.

A cycle of lectures about mechanical calculators (Schickhard, Pascal, Thomas) and presentation of machines was organized in march in the Lycee Martin Schongauer in Colmar (68).

Mathematical games and a book on famous mathematicians have been done in Lycée Camille Sée in Colmar (68).

Lycée Scheurer Kestner in Thann (68) : "Autour du théorème de Pythagore" in March.

Lycée Martin Schongauer in Colmar (68) : "Les premières calculatrices mécaniques" in April.

Cité scolaire Edouard Schuré of Barr (67) : "Math à Barr II: le retour" in May (5. to 12.).

Exhibition SymetrieS in April (1. to 29.) at the Scientific Gallery in the University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg (67).
See http://www-ulp.u-strasbg.fr/CST/html/expotempo.html

Exhibitions in preparation : Notre Dame de Sion in Strasbourg (67) Collège of Dambach (67) Collège of Herrlisheim (67) Lycée Marc Bloch in Bischheim (67) Collège Victor Hugo in Colmar (68) Collège of Niederbronn (67) Collège Fustel de Coulanges in Strasbourg (67) Lycée Marie Curie in Strasbourg (67)

CONSEIL GENERAL DU BAS-RHIN : Exhibition of selected posters and objects in June.

The ceremony for the winners of the Rallye Mathematique d'Alsace takes place during the exhibition in Strasbourg.

CONSEIL GENERAL DU HAUT-RHIN : Exhibition of selected posters and objects in September.

Others events will also be organized.

 Web page: http://irem.u-strasbg.fr/irem/structure/frameannee2000.html


Journée "Mathématiques en ligne"

The aims of this workshop are :report on experiences of creation and use of multimedia ressources, net-distributed for teaching mathematics at the university level, debate on further use and developments and to promote coolaborative work on this subject.

Organized by Société Mathématique de France et Réseau Universitaire des Centres d'Autoformation

September 15, 2000, Institut Henri Poincaré et L'UTES, Paris (France)

    Contacts : jarraud@math.jussieu.fr

Web page : http://mathenligne.ihp.jussieu.fr



Perspectives on Mathematics

The aim of this workshop is to bring senior mathematicians and younger mathematicians together to discuss the perspectives of Mathematics at the turn of the century.

June 18 - 24, 2000, Goslar (Germany)

Contact: Klaus Hulek, hulek@math.uni-hannover.de

Web page : http://www-ifm.math.uni-hannover.de/info/perspectives.html

Travelling exhibition


The Fachhochschule Stuttgart - Hochschule für Technik (University of applied sciences) has created a travelling exhibition. In will be presented in high schools in the south of Germany. It consists of various hands-on-exhibits connected with Pythagoras and his theorem.


Contact: Paul-Georg Becker, pythagoras@fht-stuttgart.de


Web site: http://www.pythagoras.fht-stuttgart.de




Brochure for schools with ideas and suggestions concerning the WMY 2000


Many teachers wish to participate in the WMY 2000. They want to bring the idea of the WMY 2000 to their own school or to the general public. But how can that be done? A small brochure of the Fachhochschule Stuttgart -Hochschule für Technik (University of applied sciences) gives at least some answers to this question. It contains several ideas, how schools can participate in the WMY2000.


Contact: Paul-Georg Becker, pythagoras@fht-stuttgart.de


Web site: http://www.fht-stuttgart.de/fbm/fbmweb/wmy2000/wmy2000.htm



Symposium on Trends in Nonlinear Analysis - TiNA 2000


Theory, Modelling and Computation

October 8-12, 2000, Heidelberg (Germany)


Contact: tina2000@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de

Web page: http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/tina2000/



Activities for children, parents, and teachers

No fun in learning mathematics? On our web site children, parents, and teachers can find activities, projects, and information including "Learning Mathematics in Ten Minutes a Day" in German, English, French, and Spanish, and soon in other languages.

Contact: Achim.Sander@PH-Gmuend.de

Web page: http://www.uni-giessen.de/gdm/wmy2000/




Athens 2000 Schoolchildren at peace with maths!

S. Avgoulea - Linardatou School organizes the following events :

Exhibitions of WMY2000 public places.

Exhibitions of mathematical games, drawings, sculptures and arti facts made by schoolchildren.

Presentations of mathematical works by children.

Open competition in maths for children.

Dramatising mathematics - A school play.

October 6-8, 2000. Athens (Greece)

Contact : Antonis Spertos, spertos@avgouleaschool.gr


Projects of the Hellenic math Society

- Mathematics Day for Schools : Presentation of WMY2000 issues in all schools throughout Greece, in collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Education.

April 19, 2000

Contact: Nikolaos Alexandris, info@hms.gr


- 17th Panhellenic Conference of Mathematical Education : Mathematics, a Key for Development and Greece: Birthplace of Mathematical Thought

November 10-12, 2000 Athens (Greece)

Contact: Nikolaos Alexandris, info@hms.gr

Web page: http://www.hms.gr


- Mathematics Seminars in cities across Greece Presentations and discussions regarding WMY2000

April 14-15, 2000, Larisa and Volos (Greece)

April 15, 2000, Chios (Greece)

September 22-23, 2000, Sparta and Rhodes (Greece)

September 29-30, 2000, Eastern Attica Schools (Greece)

Contact: Nikolaos Alexandris, info@hms.gr

Web page: http://www.hms.gr



ISFE2000, 38th International Symposium on Functional Equations

This meeting is organized by the University of Debrecen and is inspired by Hilbert's 1900 talk Open problems in functional equations will be presented in seven talks.

June 11-18, 2000, Noszvaj (Hungary)

Contacts : Janos Aczel, jdaczel@math.uwaterloo.ca,
Zsolt Pales, pales@math.klte.hu,

Web page http://riesz.math.klte.hu/~isfe2000


ISACA'2000 : International Symposium on Applications of Computer Algebra

October 3-5, 2000, Goa (India)

Contact: R.A. Akerkar, tmrf@pn3.vsnl.net.in


International Conference on "NumberTheory & Discrete Mathematics" in honour of Srinivasa Ramanujan

Organizer : Centre for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Panjab University,

October 2-6, 2000, Chandigarh (India)

Contact : Michel Waldschmidt miw@math.jussieu.fr

Web page : http://www.puchd.ac.in/icnd-2000/index.html





National Commission for the World Mathematical Year

Among projects: popularizing mathematics, the role of mathematics in development, mathematics education and research in the coming century, publications and the documentation of the history of mathematics in the country.

Contact: wmy2000@ipm.ac.ir


3rd annual Mathematical seminar & 24th Competition between Mathematics Students


organized by the Iranian Mathematical Society, the organization of WMY2000 in Iran and the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education.


May 4-6, 2000, Tehran (Iran)


Contact: M. Hadizadeh, HADIZADEH@sc.kntu.ac.ir



"Creators of Mathematics - the Irish Connection"

Editor Ken Houston. Published by University College Dublin Press.

September 2000

Contact:  Ken Houston, sk.houston@ulst.ac.uk



Schur Memorial Workshop European Community TMR Workshop at Weizmann Institute

December 26-31, 2000, Rehovot (Israel)

Contact : Anna Melnikov, anna@wisdom.weizmann.ac.il

Web page: http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/home/anna/public_html/schur.html




Exhibition " Mathematics in contemporary art "

March-September 2000, Museo di arte contemporary del castello di Rivoli, Rivoli, Torino (Italy)



A commemorative stamp celebrating WMY 2000 will be issued on October 14


RAI Programme " Mathematics in western civilization "

RAI, the Radio-Television National State Broadcasting Company is considering the proposition to produce a series of 3 programmes on " Mathematics in western civilization "


" 1900-2000: One Century of Mathematics in Europe "

A two days workshop in the Bologna University (included in the Programme of " Bologna, Capitale della Cultura ")

Contact: Alberto Conte, conte@dm.unito.it


20th Century Harmonic Analysis - a Celebration

NATO Advanced Study Institute

July 2-15, 2000, Tuscany (Italy)

Contact : Jim Byrnes, asi@cs.umb.edu

Web pagehttp://www.cs.umb.edu/~asi/analysis2000


"La matematica del '900" ("the mathematics of the 1900s")

A book by Piergiorgio Odifreddi, einaudi, 2000

The book gives an overview of the mathematics of the 1900's in an expository style, and is organized in independent sections; the two main themes are Hilbert's problems for the first half of the century, and the achievements of the Fields medals for the second half.

Contact : Piergiorgio Odifreddi, piergior@dm.unito.it


2000 Years Transmission of Mathematical Ideas Exchange and Influence from Late Babylonian Mathematics to Early Renaissance Science

We plan to discuss various forms of common mathematical problems attempting to map direct and indirect influences, possible connections, and likely avenues whereby mathematics has been transmitted from one culture to another.

May 8-12, 2000; Rockefeller Foundation,Bellagio (Italy)

Contact :  Joseph Dauben, jdauben@worldnet.att.net, Yvonne Dold, dold@math.uni-heidelberg.de

Web page: http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/transmath/


A meeting on relationships between Mathematics and Philosophy in the last century.


The meeting ("Incontri e scontri. Bilancio di fine secolo e prospettive dei rapporti tra matematica e filosofia") will describe the cultural role played by Mathematics, particularly by analyzing its links with Philosophy in the twentieth century: from Hilbert to the most recent themes, raised by Information Science and Technology, and to the future prospective.


March 29-31, 2000, Università Bocconi, Milano, (Italy)


Contact: Angelo Guerraggio, angelo.guerraggio@uni-bocconi.it

Web page: http://www.pristem.uni-bocconi.it




"La matematica italiana dopo l'Unità. Gli anni tra le due guerre mondiali".


The book is a survey by various authors (historians and specialists in their own fields) of the main results of Italian Mathematics between the two World Wars. The development is further analyzed with respect to the "golden age" of the beginning of the century and to the social-political context in Italy of the Thirties.


Contact: Pietro Nastasi, nastasi@dipmat.math.unipa.it




A Mathematical Day


On this day, many Mathematical Institutions, Universities, Associations of teachers will be involved in several Italian cities in the organization of various events (lectures, competitions, films, etc.). The goal is to celebrate the WMY 2000 with the broadest audience and with the support of the media. Further, more detailed information will be found on the following web site


April 6, 2000, Italy


Web page: http://www.pristem.uni-bocconi.it



-Exhibition MATHEMATICS, ARTS AND TECNOLOGY: from Escher to Computer Graphics. Paintings, drawings and sculptures by Escher, Saffaro, Reuterswardt, and Ferguson will be on exhibition, together with some videos and computer demonstrations.

October 12 - December 3, 2000, University Library, Bologna (Italy).


October 13-14, 2000, Department of Mathematics and Hotel delle Terme, Castel San Pietro Terme, Bologna (Italy).


Films about mathematics or mathematicians, commented by their authors and by mathematicians.

October 19, 26, November 2, 9, 16, 23, December 7, 2000, at 9 p.m., Sala Mascarella, Bologna (Italy).

Contact: Mirella Manaresi, manaresi@morgana.dm.unibo.it

Web page: http://www.dm.unbo.it/bologna2000


Cornelio Malvasia and his Panzano's observatory - Uncovering of a memorial tablet.

After a conference about Cornelio Malvasia and the observatory of his castle (XVIIth century), it will be the uncovering of a memorial tablet, remembering the astronomic observations here carried out by Giandomenico Cassini (the comet of 1652) and Geminiano Montanari (the moon, 1662).

June 3 2000, Castle of Panzano (Castelfranco Emilia-MODENA)-Italy

Contact : Franca Cattelani Degani, cattelan@unimo.it




Mathematics in the New Millennium

organized by the Korean Mathematical Society

October, 20-21, 2000, Yonsei University, Seoul (Korea)

Contact : Dong Myung Chung, kms@kms.or.kr



The development of mathematics : 1950-2000

A collective book retracing the development of mathematics during the second half of the XXth century.



The Luxembourg Postal Service will edit a special stamp on the occasion of WMY2000 in March 2000

Contact: Jean-Paul Pier, pier@cu.lu



Monte Carlo and Probabilistic Methods for Partial Differential Equations

July 3-5, 2000, Monaco (Monaco)

Contact : Mireille BOSSY, Mireille.Bossy@sophia.inria.fr

Web page: http://www-sop.inria.fr/omega/MONTECARLO/pages/MONTECARLO2000.html



XXXIIème Journées de Statistique

Organized jointly with the Société Française de Statistique

May 15-19, 2000, Fes (Maroc)

Contacts: Khalid Rifi, estfes@fesnet.net.ma,

Jean-louis Soler, JeanLouis.soler@imag.fr


CIMASI'2000, third International Conference on Applied Mathematics and
Engineering Sciences.

October 23-25, 2000, Ecole Hassania des Travaux Publics, Casablanca (Morocco)

Contacts: Y. Ghabbar and A. El Mossadeq, cimasi2000@cimasi.org.ma

Website: http://www.cimasi.org.ma


Postage stamps

Stamps portraying Dutch mathematicians are planned

Contact: Michiel Hazewinkel, Michiel.Hazewinkel@cwi.nl



TIME 2000, an international conference on Technology in Mathematics Education

Organized by the University of Auckland and Auckland Institute of Technology

December 11-14, 2000, Aukland (New Zealand)

Contact: Mike Thomas, m.thomas@math.auckland.ac.nz

Web Page: http://math.auckland.ac.nz/TIME2000



Joint committee for World Mathematical Year 2000 and Abel Anniversary 2002

Contact: Jens Erik Fenstad, jfenstad@math.uio.no

Web page: http://www.math.ntnu.no/abel/


"Does mathematics count?"

A book (in Norwegian with title "Teller matte?") highlighting the career of 33 persons with different involvment with mathematics. The book will be be distributed freely to all students in the first grade of highschool.

Contact :  Kari Hag, kari@math.ntnu.no

Web page : http://www.math.ntnu.no/abel/bok/



Conference "Tall til tusen. Matematikk i vår tid" (Mathematics today)

February 3-5, 2000, Trondheim (Norway)

Contact : Helge Holden, holden@math.ntnu.no

Web page http://www.math.ntnu.no/talltiltusen/




Macao 2000: Mathematics and its Role in Civilization

A joint portuguese-chinese initiative for a congress on a general subject of the scientific and cultural role of the mathematical sciences in the history of civilization and in the future development of humanity.

January 11-14, 2000, Macau (China)

Contacts: José Francisco Rodrigues, rodrigue@lmc.fc.ul.pt,

Li Ta-tsien, dqli@ms.fudan.edu.cn



International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications
organized by the operator theory group of Instituto Superior Técnico (U.T. Lisboa) and Universidade do Algarve

September 12-15, 2000, Faro (Portugal)

Contact : N. Manojlovic, nmanoj@ualg.pt

Web page : http://www.ualg.pt/cma/iwota/


WMY2000 in Coimbra


Web page: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~jaimecs/2000/ammc.html



IMACS-ACA'2000, 6th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra

organized by the International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

June 25-28, 2000, Saint Petersburg (Russia)

Contact: Nikolay Vassiliev, vasiliev@pdmi.ras.ru

Web pages: http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2000/imacs/





May 11-15, 2000, St. Petersburg (Russia)

Contact : Elena Novikova, novikova@pdmi.ras.ru

 Web page: http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2000/sofia/



International conference on Mathematics 2000 organized by the Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences (SAMS)

April 11-12, 2000, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)

Contacts :zaguia@ksu.edu.sa



6th ACDCA Conf. Exam Questions and Basic Skills in a Technology Supported Mathematics Education

Using computer algebra systems, dynamical geometry software, or graphing calculators for teaching students is going to change the teaching methods, the contents of what we teach, what we consider basic skills, what abilities students have to obtain, and, last but not least, the exams.

July, 2-5, 2000, Portoroz (Slovenia)

Contact : Vlasta.Kokol, vlasta.kokol@uni-mb.si

Web page : http:// www.kutzler.com/acdca-00/



1. Royal Academy of Sciences

Promotion of Mathematics in Society

60 mathematical lectures for the general public given by 15 distinguished Spanish mathematicians in different cities of the country

Contact: Gregorio Millan, academia@bib.csic.es



A joint Mathematical European-Arabic Conference
Promoted by the European Mathematical Society and with the collaboration of the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society and the CIMPA.

July 3-7  2000, Granada (Spain)

Contact : Ceferino Ruiz,                                     
e-mail conference: alhambra2000@ugr.es          
e-mail secretariat: eurocongres@mx3.redestb.es
website : http://www.ugr.es/~alhambra2000       




2. Spanish Committee for the WMY2000 (CEAMM 2000)

Web page : http://dulcinea.uc3m.es/ceamm


3. International Congress on Differential Geometry in memory of Alfred Gray (1939-1998)

organized by the Universidad del Pais Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

September 18-23, 2000, Bilbao (Spain)

Contact: Gray@lg.ehu.es

Web page: http://www.ehu.es/Gray

4."Jornada Matematica en el Congreso de Diputados"

Organizers: J.I. Diaz, J.L. Fernandez, A. Martinon et T. Riera.

January 21, 2000, Madrid (Spain)

Contact: Jesus-Ildefonso Diaz, jidiaz@sunma4.mat.ucm.es



Matematica e Cultura 2000


April 14, 2000, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Mendrisio (Switzerland)


Contact: Michea Simona, msimona@arch.unisi.ch , Diego Noja, dnoja@arch.unisi.ch

Web page: http://www.mat.uniroma1.it/venezia2000/mendrisio.html


International Symposium One Hundred Years of L'Enseignement Mathématique

Moments of Mathematics Education in the 20th Century, ICMI and Université de Genève

October 20-22, 2000, Geneva (Switzerland)

Contact : Bernard R. Hodgson, bhodgson@mat.ulaval.ca

Webpage: http://www.unige.ch/math/EnsMath/EM_fr/welcome.html






8th Silivri-Gazimagusa Workshop

September 18-27, 2000, Gazimagusa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)

Web page: http://mozart.emu.edu.tr/workshop



Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory

Kiev Institute of Mathematics and Kharkov Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences together with Institut de Mathematiques de Luminy and Universite de Tours, France organize a conference on Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory. In 60's and 70's, Katsiveli was the place where regular Summer Schools and various conferences took place under the aegis of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The planned conference is an attempt to revive this tradition.

August 21-30,2000, Katsiveli, Crimea (Ukraine)

Contact: Sergiy Kolyada, skolyada@imath.kiev.ua

Web page: http://www.imath.kiev.ua/~skolyada/kats2000.html



Mathematics for the Millennium

Travelling exhibition and events throughout the UK.

Contact: Richard Mankiewicz, RMankiewicz@tutorcom.dircon.co.uk

Mailing list : mathsyear2000-subscribe@onelist.com


52nd British Mathematical Colloquium

April 17-20, 2000, University of Leeds (UK)

Contact : H. G. Dales, pmt6hgd@amsta.leeds.ac.uk

Web page : http://www.amsta.leeds.ac.uk/bmc/



Young Researcher's Symposium @ XIII International Congress on Mathematical Physics

Essay Competition : "Mathematical Physics in the XXth century and beyond"
with valuable prizes sponsored by Scientific Publishers

July, 17-22, 2000, Imperial College, London, UK

Contact :a.o.parry@ic.ac.uk

Web Page : http://icmp2000.ma.ic.ac.uk/YRS/yrs.htm



Maths Year 2000

Maths Year 2000 is a UK government initiative promoting an awareness and understanding of mathematics for all. Maths Year 2000 will get the new millennium off to a mathematical start, celebrating and promoting mathematics for all - pupils, parents, teachers, employees, employers.

Contact : info@mathsyear2000.org

Web pagehttp://www.mathsyear2000.org


4th Int. DERIVE & TI-89/92 Conference 2000

International meeting of users of the DERIVE computer algebra system and the TI-89 and TI-92 computer algebra calculators with a focus on using these tools for a more efficient mathematics teaching and learning.

July, 12-15, 2000, Liverpool (UK)

Contact : T.A.Etchells@livjm.ac.uk

Web page :  http://www.cms.lifjm.ac.uk/derive2k


Posters in the London Underground

A project of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

Web page:  http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/wmy2kposters/




ISAMA 2000

Second annual conference of the International Society of The Arts,
Mathematics, and Architecture.

August 21-25, 2000, University of Washington, Seattle, (USA)

Contact : Nathaniel Friedman, artmath@csc.albany.edu


Joint Mathematics Meetings (Joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Mathematical Association of America, and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)

January 19-22 , 2000, Washington, D.C.

Contact: Diane Saxe, dms@ams.org

Web page: http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2026_intro.html.


Special American Mathematical Society meeting on Mathematical Challenges of the 21st Century".

August 7-12, 2000

Contact: Felix E. Browder, browder@math.rutgers.edu

Web page: http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/mathchall.html


20th Century Harmonic Analysis - a Celebration

NATO Advanced Study Institute

July 2-15, 2000, Tuscany (Italy)

Contact : Jim Byrnes, asi@cs.umb.edu

Web pagehttp://www.cs.umb.edu/~asi/analysis2000


Nonlinear Analysis 2000 -->

May 28-June 2, 2000, New York City (USA)

Contact: Carol Levine, clevine@cims.nyu.edu

Web-page http://www.cims.nyu.edu/math2k



 X Congress of Yugoslav Mathematicians

Organizer : Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade

October, 5-8, 2000, Belgrade (Yugoslavia)

Contact : Zoran Kadelburg, matkon10@matf.bg.ac.yu

Web page : http://www.matf.bg.ac.yu/matkon10



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