Selected Bibliography


Theory of Symmetry and Ornament,
APXAIA, Belgrade, 1984 (in Serbo-Croatian).

Geometry in Pre-Scientific Period & Ornament Today,
Math. Inst., History of Math. and Mech. Sci., 3, Belgrade, 1989.

Theory of Symmetry and Ornament,
Math. Inst., Belgrade, 1995.


Groups of Conformal Antisymmetry and Complex Antisymmetry in E2\{O},
Z. Kristall., 173 (1985), 129-138.

A New Method of Generating Plane Groups of Simple and Multiple Antisymmetry,
Acta Crystallographica, A42 (1986), 209-212.

Enantiomorphism of Antisymmetric Figures,
Kristallografiya, 31, 5 (1986), 1009-1010 (in Russian).

Generalized Shubnikov Space Groups,
Publ. Inst. Math., 40(54) (1986), 33-48 (in Russian).

Groups of Simple and Multiple Antisymmetry of Layers,
Z. Kristall., 176 (1986), 283-290.

A New Method of Deriving and Cataloguing Simple and Multiple G3l Space Groups,
Acta Cryst., A43 (1987), 326-337.

Algebra of Antisymmetric Characteristics,
Publ. Inst. Math., 47(61) (1990), 39-55.

(p2,2l)-Symmetry Three-Dimensional Space Groups G3l,p2,
Acta Cryst., A48 (1992).

Periodic Antisymmetry Tilings,
Symmetry: Culture and Science, 3, 3 (1992), 281-291.

Mackay Groups,
Acta Cryst., A49 (1993), 132-137.

Pawley Multiple Antisymmetry Three-Dimensional Space Groups G3l,p2,
Acta Cryst., A49 (1993), 127-132.

Space Groups of Simple and Multiple Colored Antisymmetry,
Kristallografiya 38, 2 (1993), 4-11 (in Russian, jointly with A.F.Palistrant).

Proportional Colored Symmetry Groups,
Acta Cryst., A50 (1994), 403-405.

Proportional Colored Symmetry Groups of Friezes,
Z.Kristall., 209 (1994), 637-639.

Edge-bicolorings of regular polyhedra,
Z.Kristall., 210 (1995), 173-176.

Geometry of Links,
AMS Preprint Service, 1997.


Modularity in Art

Mirror Curves

Geometry of Fullerenes


The Grammar of Ornament CD - Modularity in Art & Mirror Curves.


Multiple Antisymmetry,
Geometry Conference, Leibnitz (Austria), 1985.

Algebra of Antisymmetric Characteristics,
IX vsesoy. geom. konf., Tezisy soobsch., Kishinev (USSR), 1988, 373 (in Russian).

Simple and Multiple Antisymmetry,
Symmetry of Structure, Interdisciplinary Symmetry Symposia 1, Budapest (Hungary), Abstracts I, 1989, 254-257.

Colored Symmetry of Bands,
XVIII International Colloquium on Group-Theorethical Methods in Physics, Moscow (USSR), 1990.

Mackay Groups,
XIII European Crystallographic Meeting, Trieste (Italy), 1991, 58.

Colored Symmetry: the First 7000 Years,
International Conference "Centenary of Space Groups", Leningrad (USSR), 1991, 152.

Multiple Antisymmetry Colorings,
Conference on Intuitive Geometry, Szeged (Hungary), 1991, 10.

Colored Simple and Multiple Antisymmetry,
VI International Conference on Geometry, Nahsholim (Israel), 1992, 31.

Colored Antisymmetry,
Symposium "Symmetry of Patterns", Hiroshima, Japan, 1992 (in "Symmetry:Culture and Science", 3, 1, (1992), 38-39).

Theory of Symmetry and Ornament,
International Conference on Geometry, Nahsholim (Israel), 1995.

Mirror-generated Curves,
Symposium "Symmetry: Natural and Artificial", Washington DC, USA, 1995 (in "Symmetry: Culture and Science", 6, 2 (1995), 275-279).

Principle of Modularity,
International Conference "Mathematics and Art", Suzdal (Russia), 1996, 68.

Modularity in Art
Mathematics & Design, San Sebastian (Spain), 1998.

Classification of Links
Knots in Hellas'98, Delphi (Greece), 1998

Ordering Knots
IV ISIS Symmetry Congress and Exhibition "Order/Disorder", Haifa (Israel), 1998.


Colored Ornamental Tilings,
2^ Quadrienale Internazionale "Ceramica nell arredo urbano", Faenza (Italy), 1987, 118.

Two-Colored Ornamental Tilings,
Symmetry of Structure, Interdisciplinary Symmetry Symposia 1, National Gallery, Budapest (Hungary), 1989.

Colored Tilings,
XII European Crystallographic Meeting, Moscow (USSR), 1989.

V International Industrial Design and Technological Innovation Competition, CEVISAMA'94, Valencia (Spain), 1994.


Two-Colored Ornamental Tilings,
V International Industrial Design and Technological Innovation Competition, CEVISAMA'87, Valencia (Spain) - The Honorable mention.

Modularity in Art
Mathematics & Design, San Sebastian (Spain), 1998 - The Best Presentation Award.


More then 30 papers published in international and national journals (Publ. Inst. Math., Math. Vesnik, etc.). on the theory of symmetry, antisymmetry, colored symmetry, history of ornamental art and its symmetry analysis. For their complete list see Math. Rew.:
87i:20091; 88f:20064; 88h:20059; 88i:82060; 89b:20102; 89c:20072; 89i:20076; 89j:20058; 89h:20069; 90h: 20072; 90m:01001; 92i:01004; 92c:20090; 92g:01008; 92g:20077; 92m:01005; 92m:20042; 92m:20043; 93a:20078; 93d:20032; 93j:01006; 94c:20084; 94c:20085; 94f:20094; 94i:20090; 94m:52025; 95a:82117; 95b:20072; 95g:53005; 95i:05057; 96e:20078; 96f:20075; 96f:20075; 96f:20076; 96f:52013; 96h:20090; 96j:00031; 96k:00015; 96k:00016, etc.