ORTHOGONAL COMPLEX STRUCTURES S. M. Salamon Key words: Hermitian metric, Weyl tensor, twistor space, anti-self-dual 4-manifold. 1991 Math. Subject Classification: 53C55 (53C15, 32L25). Introduction Let $M$ be a smooth manifold of dimension $2n$, and let $g$ be a Riemannian metric on $M$. An almost-complex structure (abbreviated \acs) $J$ on $M$ is an endomorphism of the tangent bundle $TM$, or equivalently the cotangent bundle $T^*M$, of $M$ such that $J^2=-1$. Such a tensor induces an orientation on $M$ by taking the $2n$-form $e_1\we Je_1\we\cdots\we e_n\we Je_n$ to always be a positive multiple of the volume form. The triple $(M,g,J)$ is called {\sl almost-Hermitian} if $J$ is an orthogonal transformation relative to $g$, i.e.\ if \[g(JX,JY)=g(X,Y)\] for all tangent vectors $X,Y$. This equation implies that the tensor $\w$ defined by $\w(X,Y)=g(JX,Y)$ is anti-symmetric; it is called the fundamental 2-form of the almost-Hermitian structure. Any two of the tensors $g,J,\w$ determine the third. The \acs\ $J$ is said to be {\sl integrable} if the Nijenhuis tensor \begin{equation}\label{N} N_J(X,Y)= [JX,JY]-J[JX,Y]-J[X,JY]-[X,Y] \end{equation} vanishes. Indeed, the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem \cite{NN} implies that $N_J=0$ if and only if $(M,J)$ is a complex manifold in the sense that there exist local complex coordinates $z^1,\ldots, z^n$ such that $Jdz^k=i\,dz^k$, $1\le k\le n$. In these circumstances one also says that $(M,g,J)$ is a {\sl Hermitian manifold}.\vs We shall be concerned with the problem of finding different Hermitian structures on a given Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$, and the following terminology will be convenient. \pr{Definition} An orthogonal complex structure (OCS) on $(M,g)$ is an integrable \acs\ $J$ on $M$ such that $g(JX,JY)=g(X,Y)$.\vs \n If $M$ is already oriented then an OCS $J$ may or may not induce the chosen orientation, and according to case we say that $J$ is positively or negatively oriented. The purpose of this note is to investigate the following \pr{Problem} Given a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$, does there exist an OCS? If so, describe the set of all OCS's.\vs The question can be asked either (i) globally, or (ii) locally, and the corresponding questions can be rather different in nature. Given an OCS $J$ defined over a compact manifold, one may ask to what extent it is unique (at least up to sign) and it may be appropriate to consider separately the case in which $J$ is positively or negatively oriented. In the case in which $M$ is a symmetric space, the question has been successfully tackled by Burstall and Rawnsley \cite{BR} by introducing the twistor space of $M$, and in general this is a valuable tool for characterizing the existence of OCS's. Note that an OCS $J$ remains orthogonal if the metric $g$ is replaced by a conformally equivalent one $e^f g$. The above problem therefore relates more accurately to the conformal class $[g]$ determined by $g$. Any 2-dimensional oriented conformal structure uniquely determines an integrable complex structure, so we shall always suppose that $n\ge2$. Posing the above question in another way leads to the \pr{Problem} Find conformal structures $(M,[g])$ which admit an abundance, at least locally, of OCS's.\vs We shall see that continuous families of such OCS's arise from the partial integrability of the twistor space, which is determined by properties of the Weyl conformal curvature tensor $W$. The study of twistor spaces of Riemannian 4-manifolds has advanced considerably since their inception in \cite{AHS}, and the most important aspect of the preceding problem for $n=2$ is the classification of self-dual structures. A summary of the state of this art is included in Section~4, and provides motivation for work on higher-dimensional situations. We shall see that a pre-requisite for progress here is a more complete algebraic understanding of $W$, and the extent to which it may be constrained.\vs The next series of examples illustrate and clarify the above problems. \pr{Example 1} (i) If $n>1$ then the sphere $S^{2n}$ has no OCS $J$ relative to its standard metric. Indeed, it is well known that for $n\ne1,3$, the sphere $S^{2n}$ does not even admit an {\sl almost} complex structure. But it is also true that $S^6$ has no OCS (see e.g.\ \cite{LS6}), even though it does have a $G_2$-invariant non-integrable \acs. \n(ii) Let $x\in S^{2n}$; the induced metric on $S^{2n}\setminus\{x\}$ is conformally equivalent to the flat metric on $\R^{2n}$. The latter admits infinitely many OCS's including the constant ones parametrized by the homogeneous space $O(2n)/U(n)$.\vs \pr{Example 2} (i) The complex projective space $\CP^n$ with the Fubini-Study metric admits a standard OCS that we denote by $J_0$, but there are no others apart from $-J_0$ (a result of D.~Burns and the authors of \cite{BMGR}). Note that $\pm J_0$ induce the same orientation on $\CP^n$ if and only if $n$ is even. \n(ii) In fact on {\sl any} open set $U\subset\CP^2$, the only OCS's inducing the standard orientation are $\pm J_0$. By contrast, if $x$ is a point and $L$ a projective line in $\CP^2$ then $\CP^2\setminus\{x\}$ has exactly one pair $\pm J_x$ of negatively-oriented OCS's, and $\CP^2\setminus L$ has infinitely many OCS's.\vs The last examples show that there is an interesting interface between the global and local existence questions. Below, we shall explain the above statements and raise a number of related questions in the course of a general survey of relevant material.