A REPRESENTATION OF THE VARIATIONAL SEQUENCE IN HIGHER ORDER MECHANICS JAROSLAV \v STEF\'ANEK Key words: Fibered manifold, jet, contact form, variational sequence. 1991 Math. Subject Classification: 49F05, 58A15, 58A20, 58E99. Abstract: Let $Y$ be a fibered manifold over a base manifold $X$. A differential form $\rho$ defined on the $r$-jet prolongation $J^rY$ of $Y$ is said to be {\it contact} if it vanishes along the $r$-jet prolongation $J^r\gamma$ of every section $\gamma$ of $Y$. The contact forms define a subsequence of the de Rham sequence on $J^rY$. The corresponding quotient sequence is known as the $r$-{\it th order variational sequence}. We consider the case of $1$-dimensional base $X$ ({\it mechanics}). We construct an isomorphism between the variational sequence and another sequence whose elements are spaces of forms rather than spaces of classes of forms. In this way we determine explicitly the first two mappings of the variational sequence.