ELibM mirror of EPTCS 63

Pattern Avoidability with Involution

Bastian Bischoff
(Institute for Formal Methods in Computer Science, Universität Stuttgart)
Dirk Nowotka
(Institute for Formal Methods in Computer Science, Universität Stuttgart)

An infinte word w avoids a pattern p with the involution t if there is no substitution for the variables in p and no involution t such that the resulting word is a factor of w. We investigate the avoidance of patterns with respect to the size of the alphabet. For example, it is shown that the pattern a t(a) a can be avoided over three letters but not two letters, whereas it is well known that a a a is avoidable over two letters.

In Petr Ambrož, Štěpán Holub and Zuzana Masáková: Proceedings 8th International Conference Words 2011 (WORDS 2011), Prague, Czech Republic, 12-16th September 2011, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 63, pp. 65–70.
Published: 17th August 2011.

ArXived at: http://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.63.10 bibtex PDF
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