Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 298146, 8 pages
Research Article

Model Validation Using Coordinate Distance with Performance Sensitivity

Jiann-Shiun Lew

Center of Excellence in Information Systems, Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN 37209, USA

Received 21 February 2008; Accepted 20 July 2008

Academic Editor: Paulo Gonçalves

Copyright © 2008 Jiann-Shiun Lew. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This paper presents an innovative approach to model validation for a structure with significant parameter variations. Model uncertainty of the structural dynamics is quantified with the use of a singular value decomposition technique to extract the principal components of parameter change, and an interval model is generated to represent the system with parameter uncertainty. The coordinate vector, corresponding to the identified principal directions, of the validation system is computed. The coordinate distance between the validation system and the identified interval model is used as a metric for model validation. A beam structure with an attached subsystem, which has significant parameter uncertainty, is used to demonstrate the proposed approach.