New York Journal of Mathematics 
Research areas of editors


Aravind Asok: A1-homotopy theory, topology of algebraic varieties, group actions, representation theory

Yuri Berest:
Noncommutative algebra, representation theory

Jérémy Blanc:
Algebraic geometry

Cornelius Greither:
algebraic number theory, commutative algebra

Michael Hopkins:
algebraic topology

Yi-Zhi Huang:
infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, vertex operator algebras, conformal field theory

Efstratia Kalfagianni:
3-manifod topology and geometry, knot theory, quantum topology

Claude LeBrun:
differential geometry

Christopher Leininger:
Geometry, topology, group theory, and dynamics in low dimensions.

Naichung Conan Leung:
differential geometry

Scott McCullough,
functional analysis, operator theory, free convex semialgebraic geometry

Paul S. Muhly:
functional analysis

Peter Ozsvath:

Duong Phong:
partial differential equations, harmonic analysis, and mathematical physics

Douglas C. Ravenel:
algebraic topology and homotopy theory

Jonathan M. Rosenberg:
geometry and topology, noncommutative geometry, mathematical physics

Thomas Scanlon:
mathematical logic, difference and differential algebra, valued fields, Witt vectors, non-archimedian analysis

Joseph H. Silverman:
number theory, arithmetic geometry, arithmetic and p-adic dynamics

Laurence Taylor:
manifolds, surgery theory

Brett D. Wick,
Function theory, harmonic analysis, several complex variables, operator theory

Kehe Zhu,
Complex analysis, operator theory