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MSC 2000
MSC 2010
MSC 2010 Print

Zentralblatt MATH - MSC 2010

Mathematical Subject Classification 2010

Mathematical Reviews (MR) and Zentralblatt MATH (Z-MATH) collaborate in maintaining the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC), which is used by these reviewing services and many others to categorize items in the mathematical sciences literature. The MSC has undergone a general revision, with some additions, changes, and corrections, to create MSC2010, the successor to MSC2000, the scheme for the past 10 years. MR and Z-MATH carefully considered input received from the community in recent years, especially since the announcement of the projected revision in December 2006, and used it in the preparation of their joint MSC revision. As anticipated, there are no changes at the two-digit level but refinements have been made at the three- and five-digit levels. With July 2009 MR and Z-MATH started to use MSC2010 as their classification scheme.

MR and Z-MATH welcome and encourage community adoption of MSC2010. Comments can be submitted through the Web form found at or by email to All information about MSC2010 is jointly shared by MR and Z-MATH.

The Editors and their staffs wish to express their gratitude to the numerous members of the community for their assistance in this lengthy revision process.

A searchable version of the MSC2010 is available at the new ZBMATH interface.

Abel prize 2010
I. M. Gelfand 1913-2009

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