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MSC 2000
MSC 2010
MSC 2010 | News Print

2008 in ZMATH


Almost every year sets new records for publication numbers, but the growth of ZMATH in 2008 has been even above the usual rate. 112478 new publications were indexed, 105180 reviews finalized in volumes 1125-1149.

The growth was unevenly distributed among the different areas according to MSC - there is a slight irony in the fact that the largest increase was in 91 (Game theory, economics etc.), prior to the financial crisis.

00 | 444
01 | 933
03 | 1757
05 | 2496
06 | 371
08 | 111
11 | 2756
12 | 160
13 | 614
14 | 1479
15 | 705
16 | 1057
17 | 633
18 | 254
19 | 87
20 | 1642
22 | 378
26 | 774
28 | 325
30 | 1198
31 | 186
32 | 598
33 | 476
34 | 2832
35 | 5779
37 | 2416
39 | 776
40 | 116
41 | 606
42 | 971
43 | 174
44 | 79
45 | 237
46 | 1483
47 | 1847
49 | 1095
51 | 382
52 | 503
53 | 2034
54 | 1155
55 | 323
57 | 778
58 | 644
60 | 2793
62 | 4774
65 | 3980
68 | 9059
70 | 1251
74 | 3712
76 | 6791
78 | 1025
80 | 784
81 | 3382
82 | 2180
83 | 1518
85 | 462
86 | 393
90 | 6042
91 | 4982
92 | 2096
93 | 4116
94 | 2167

Abel prize 2010
I. M. Gelfand 1913-2009

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