MSC 2000
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000

The Mathematics Subject Classification Scheme (MSC) was compiled by the Editorial Offices of Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt Math with the kind support of numerous experts.
The Mathematics Subject Classification Scheme (MSC) consists of 63 areas classified with two digits refined into over 5000 three- and five-digit classifications.
It serves as a compass for mathematicians to keep being informed about the developments in their areas of interest.
Searching the ever growing number of mathematical publications would not be possible without the help of this well organized scheme.
Nearly all publications are classified according to this widely accepted tool.
The present version, MSC 2000, was compiled by the Editorial Offices of both Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt Math with the kind support of many experts from the worldwide mathematical community.
An update of the MSC2000 is in the pipeline, please click here for a draft of MSC2010. You can contribute to the update by sending comments to or using the form at