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MSC 2000
MSC 2010
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Search and Browse the MSC 2000

Please note that in the second half of 2009, MSC2010 is deployed in the production of ZMATH and will become official standard in January 2010.

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11-XX Number theory → ZMATH
11Exx Forms and linear algebraic groups [See also 19Gxx] {For quadratic forms in linear algebra, see 15A63} → ZMATH
11E04 Quadratic forms over general fields → ZMATH
11E08 Quadratic forms over local rings and fields → ZMATH
11E10 Forms over real fields → ZMATH
11E12 Quadratic forms over global rings and fields → ZMATH
11E16 General binary quadratic forms → ZMATH
11E20 General ternary and quaternary quadratic forms; forms of more than two variables → ZMATH
11E25 Sums of squares and representations by other particular quadratic forms → ZMATH
11E39 Bilinear and Hermitian forms → ZMATH
11E41 Class numbers of quadratic and Hermitian forms → ZMATH
11E45 Analytic theory (Epstein zeta functions; relations with automorphic forms and functions) → ZMATH
11E57 Classical groups [See also 14Lxx, 20Gxx] → ZMATH
11E70 $K$-theory of quadratic and Hermitian forms → ZMATH
11E72 Galois cohomology of linear algebraic groups [See also 20G10] → ZMATH
11E76 Forms of degree higher than two → ZMATH
11E81 Algebraic theory of quadratic forms; Witt groups and rings [See also 19G12, 19G24] → ZMATH
11E88 Quadratic spaces; Clifford algebras [See also 15A63, 15A66] → ZMATH
11E95 $p$-adic theory → ZMATH
11E99 None of the above, but in this section → ZMATH
Abel prize 2010
I. M. Gelfand 1913-2009

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