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MSC 2000
MSC 2010
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Please note that in the second half of 2009, MSC2010 is deployed in the production of ZMATH and will become official standard in January 2010.

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70-XX Mechanics of particles and systems {For relativistic mechanics, see 83A05 and 83C10; for statistical mechanics, see 82-XX} → ZMATH
70Hxx Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics [See also 37Jxx] → ZMATH
70H03 Lagrange's equations → ZMATH
70H05 Hamilton's equations → ZMATH
70H06 Completely integrable systems and methods of integration → ZMATH
70H07 Nonintegrable systems → ZMATH
70H08 Nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems, KAM theory → ZMATH
70H09 Perturbation theories → ZMATH
70H11 Adiabatic invariants → ZMATH
70H12 Periodic and almost periodic solutions → ZMATH
70H14 Stability problems → ZMATH
70H15 Canonical and symplectic transformations → ZMATH
70H20 Hamilton-Jacobi equations → ZMATH
70H25 Hamilton's principle → ZMATH
70H30 Other variational principles → ZMATH
70H33 Symmetries and conservation laws, reverse symmetries, invariant manifolds and their bifurcations, reduction → ZMATH
70H40 Relativistic dynamics → ZMATH
70H45 Constrained dynamics, Dirac's theory of constraints [See also 70F20, 70F25, 70Gxx] → ZMATH
70H50 Higher-order theories → ZMATH
70H99 None of the above, but in this section → ZMATH
Abel prize 2010
I. M. Gelfand 1913-2009

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