Zentralblatt MATH has released its new interface!
For an improved author identification, see the new author database of ZBMATH.
For an improved author identification, see the new author database of ZBMATH.
Zentralblatt MATH - ZBMATH Online Database

ZBMATH - The database Zentralblatt MATH
The ZBMATH Database contains more than 3 million entries drawn from about 3500 journals and 1100 serials from 1826 to present.
This database is edited by
- the European Mathematical Society,
- FIZ Karlsruhe,
- Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften.
The Zentralblatt MATH Database is produced by the Berlin editorial office of FIZ Karlsruhe (in cooperation with European academies and mathematical institutes).
The One-line Search offers a number of new functions. It is aimed at making the use of our database easier. Should you, however, prefer to stick to the search environment you are used to, please select Advanced Search.
Without specifying a search field, the basic index is searched. If the number of hits surpasses a threshold, you may simply refine your query without leaving the hit list.