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This is the archive of the »News«.

»News« want to inform you about actual and selected events in mathematics, but also about important developments which are relevant for Zentralblatt. The achive presents all messages in the category »News« in chronological form.

Date News

Abel prize 2010

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2010 to

John Torrence Tate
(University of Texas at Austin)

“ for his vast and lasting impact on the theory of numbers.” more ...

I. M. Gelfand 1913-2009

I.M. Gelfand, one of the most eminent mathematicians of
the 20th century, died on October 5th, aged 96.
Gelfand contributed to many areas of mathematics, notably
functional analysis, harmonic analysis, differential equations and
discrete mathematics. Later in his life he also became interested in
theoretical biology. more ...


Mathematical Reviews (MR) and Zentralblatt MATH (Z-MATH) collaborate in maintaining the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC), which is used by these reviewing services and many others to categorize items in the mathematical sciences literature. The MSC has undergone a general revision, with some additions, changes, and corrections, to create MSC2010, the successor to MSC2000, the scheme for the past 10 years. MR and Z-MATH carefully considered input received from the community in recent years, especially since the announcement of the projected revision in December 2006, and used it in the preparation of their joint MSC revision. As anticipated, there are no changes at the two-digit level but refinements have been made at the three- and five-digit levels. With July 2009 MR and Z-MATH started to use MSC2010 as their classification scheme. more ...

Linking to NUMDAM articles

Links to the full text of articles available on NUMDAM are now available for the respective entries in Zentralblatt MATH. more ...

Abel Prize 2009

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2009 to
Mikhail Leonidovich Gromov
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette
“ for his revolutionary contributions to geometry.” more ...

Reaching 2.8 million entries in ZMATH

With quite a headstart into 2009, ZMATH has by now more than 30000 new items indexed during less than three months, which results in an estimation of more than 130000 research articles on a yearly basis! Even on a relative basis, this would be one of the biggest leaps in publication numbers since the beginning of the database count in 1868.

On the way, ZMATH passed the number of 2.8 million entries when finishing the daily index run on Saturday morning. The article attached to this little jubilee is more ...

2008 in ZMATH

Almost every year sets new records for publication numbers, but the growth of ZMATH in 2008 has been even above the usual rate. 112478 new publications were indexed, 105180 reviews finalized in volumes 1125-1149. more ...

Henri Cartan 1904-2008

On August 13th, Henri Cartan died at the age of 104. He was one of the most influential mathematicians of the 20th century and the last living founder of the Bourbaki group. more ...

EMS Prizes 2008

The European Mathematical Society awarded the EMS Prizes for young researchers at the 5EMS in Amsterdam to

Artur Avila,
Alexei Borodin,
Ben Green,
Olga Holtz,
Bo'az Klartag,
Alexander Kuznetsov,
Naor Assaf,
Laure Saint-Raymond,
Agata Smoktunowicz,
Cédric Villani.

The Felix Klein Prize for Industrial Mathematics was awarded to

Josselin Garnier.


The current state of the Mathematics Subject Classification 2010 is available at the MSC2010 Wiki Page.

5ECM in Amsterdam

The Fifth European Congress of Mathematics will be held in Amsterdam, 14th-18th July 2008.

Abel Prize 2008

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2008 to John Griggs Thompson, University of Florida and Jacques Tits, Collège de France, for their profound achievements in algebra and in particular for shaping modern group theory. more ...

About 1.000.000 DOIs in Zentralblatt MATH

During the past weeks, several hundred thousands DOIs have been added to literature references in Zentralblatt MATH database. About 1.000.000 database entries do now have DOIs, making access to the full texts of articles much easier. more ...

Germany celebrates the »Year of Mathematics« (Jahr der Mathematik)

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research has declared 2008 as the Year of Mathematics. A lot of events and activities are planned to focus the interest of the general public to mathematics and its applications, for more information see Scientific Year 2008: Year of Mathematics (in German). more ...

MSC 2010

MR and Zbl have initiated the process of revising MSC2000 with an expectation that the revision will be used beginning in 2010. more ...

Abel Prize 2007

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2007 to Srinivasa S. R. Varadhan (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York) for his fundamental contributions to probability theory and in particular for creating a unified theory of large deviations. more ...

New ZMATH Release

Zentralblatt MATH, the world's largest and most comprehensive database on mathematical research publications is offered under an updated and improved version of the EDBM software designed by the French partner Cellule MathDoc in Grenoble. more ...

IMU Awards and Prizes

The International Union has awarded its 2006 prizes on August 22, 2006 during the Opening Ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid, Spain. Information about the winners can be found here more ...

Cerme Conference

Fifth Congress of ERME, the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education: more ...

Robert J. Aumann

Nobel Prize winner 2005 Robert J. Aumann in Zentralblatt MATH more ...
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Abel prize 2010
I. M. Gelfand 1913-2009

Scientific prize winners of the ICM 2010
Lie groups, physics and geometry. An introduction for physicists, engineers and chemists.

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