Zentralblatt MATH has released its new interface!
For an improved author identification, see the new author database of ZBMATH.
For an improved author identification, see the new author database of ZBMATH.
Library Partners

State Library of Lower Saxony and the University Library of Goettingen (SUB)
Internet: | www.sub.uni-goettingen.de |
Postal Adress: | Staats- und Unibersitätsbibliothek Göttingen Platz der Göttinger Sieben 1 37073 Göttingen Germany |

German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)
Internet: | www.tib-hannover.de |
Postal Adress: | Technische Informationsbibliothek Welfengarten 1b 30167 Hannover Germany |
Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
CWI is the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands. CWI performs frontier research in mathematics and computer science and transfers new knowledge in these fields to society in general and trade and industry in particular.
Internet: | www.cwi.nl/library/ |
Email: | bibl@cwi.nl |
Postal Adress: | Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica Bibliotheek Kruislaan 413 NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam The Netherlands |